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" Ok listen up bottoms! Today is a day where we get to hang out without our horny boyfriends," Taehyun announces.

" I still don't know what a bottom is," Yeonjun pouted.

" And my boyfriend isn't horny," Jin scoffed.

" What that's on your neck," Taehyun points are his neck.

Jin blushes and covered his neck, Jungkook, and Yeonjun giggles while Hyunjin stayed quiet.

" Anygays, while the tops have their day. We'll have our day and plus we have a newcomer that's dating our idiotic Sannie boy over here."

Everyone looked at Hyunjin, he blushed and covered his face with his hoodie sleeves.

" Now! Since it's the first day of December and Christmas is on the way. We are going to be organizing our peaceful Christmas gift exchange."

" Hold up, who made you boss? Aren't you the youngest," Yeonjun asked.

" He's the youngest?! I thought Hyunjin was the youngest," Jin gasped.

" Focus! I'm the boss because I'm the only one that has some backbone and Kook would probably have a video game themed party or a bunny themed, and Yeonjun would have a stuffed animal party and Jin would have a party for himself and Hyunjin- I'm sorry what do you like?"

" U-Um dancing?"

" Oh yes, also he's new so we need to welcome him in this group."

" I still think he's adorable," Yeonjun hugs him.

Hyunjin blushed while Jin clapped his hands.

" Ok my royal bitches, if we're going to plan this gift exchange we need to have a bad bitch check," Jin smiled.

" I'm so confused," Yeonjun sighed.

" Can we get some food, I'm hungry," Jungkook pouted.

Taehyun rolled his eyes, " Fine, we can go to this dope ass restaurant that I wanted to try."

" Yay," Jungkook smiled.

" Ok but first we need to dress up and show those others that they are not baddies unlike us," Taehyun smirked.

" U-Um, can I-I just stay here and read," Hyunjin shyly asked.

" Um, no way! You are our friend now and we don't leave our friends," Yeonjun smiled.

" Oh bullshit, you ditched us because of Soobin before,"  Taehyun rolled his eyes.

" Hey! It was an emergency!"

" Oh yeah him wanting to cuddle is such an emergency," Taehyun rolled his eyes.

Yeonjun pouted while Hyunjin laughed.

" So you demons, what are we going to do," Jin asked.

" I know that Taehyungie is at his friend's house with the others. We could just hang out here."

Then Taehyun gasped, " Oh I almost forgot! Yeonjun!"

" What?"

" Tell me why this bitch named Lisa was trying to take my man yesterday."

Yeonjun tilted his head, " How?"

" Kai and with her and all her hoe friends at the movies! And Kai tells me they are close but I never heard of her."

" Oh I know who you are talking about, she's friend with Jennie. Who tried to date me in my freshman year," Jungkook sighed.

" Whoever she is, she seems like she's so close with my Kai," Taehyun rolled his eyes.

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