Apple Watch

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" Oh I'm so excited! My beautiful face is going to get such wonderful tan."

" Yep," Jungkook sighed.

Currently Taehyung invited Yoongi and Namjoon but Namjoon invited Jin along. Even though Taehyung didn't really invite Jin but he didn't want to hurt his feelings.

Recently Jin has been extra really sassy and judging lately. And the others have been annoyed. It's like once he got a boyfriend he got more narcissistic.

You see, Namjoon has been spoiling him with gifts and love. He takes him out almost every night and gift him expensive gifts.

Even though Namjoon has to work double time at his job just to prove his love to him. He makes sure that Jin gets everything he needs and wants. Now Jin's ego has been even bigger.The others had it but they did it for Namjoon sake.

Downstairs, Tae and the others are watching there new show,while Yeonjun and Jungkook have hear Jin go on and on about Namjoon.

" Oh and Joonie and I might go to the store and eat this fancy restaurant that I looked up.

" I want to go with Taehyungie to the beach ."

" I-I just want to go to the stores, so I can buy more plushies," Yeonjun exclaimed.

"Come on Yeonjun, think bigger. Go for a new outfit or oh! A new watch," Jin said.

" He just loves stuff animals Jin. I like plushies too. I still got mine from Taehyungie from the fair. It's my favorite gift ever," Jungkook grabbed the blue bunny and hugged it.

" You guys aren't thinking big enough. You got to ask your boos something bigger then fucking stuff animals."

" I-I like stuff animals," Yeonjun pouted as he hugged Mr.Fox.

" Why don't you all ask for something like a new Apple Watch or something?"

" I-I don't want a watch. I love my Taehyungie's gifts. They're special to me," Jungkook frowns.

" Why not get something expensive?"

" We like our gifts," Yeonjun added.

" Oh whatever. So Jungkook? How are you and Taehyung's relationship?"

" Oh we're good hyung. Taehyungie is so nice and so caring. He's the best! He actually-"

Jin interrupts," Ok! Yeonjun what about you?"

Jungkook huffed and crossed his arms.

" We're good."

" Anything exciting?"

" Ummm...Oh! Me and Binnie went to the skate park the other day. It was so much fun. Binnie kept falling and it wa-"

" Well my and Namjoon's relationship is very very special ," Jin interrupts again.

Jungkook and Yeonjun groaned.

" He took me to this expensive restaurant the other day and he also got me this new watch."

" That's so nice," Jungkook rolled his eyes.

Jungkook and Yeonjun didn't really care about expensive things, they cared for sentimental gifts. They love their boyfriend's gifts. They only cared for their love.

" Also, I heard for my birthday, he's getting me these new expensive cooking materials and I'm so so so so excited."

" Isn't your birthday in December," Jungkook asked.

" Yes but he's getting ready early," he smiled.

" Oh wow."

" You know Jungkook, Taehyung should do something special for you."

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