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" We made it TaeTae!"

" I know baby, it's exciting," Taehyung picked him up by his waist and spun him around. Jungkook giggled as he wrapped his arms around his neck and hugging him. They were laughing and hugging while Jin scoffed.

" Come on you two gross love birds," Jin scoffed.

Jungkook pouted while Taehyung scoffed and put him down. Taehyung glared at him as he wraps his arms around Jungkook's waist.

He spat out," Bastard."

Jin gasped, "Moron!"

" Asshole!"

" Idiot!"

" Bitch!"

" Would you two shut up," Namjoon snapped.

The two stopped and glared at each other.

Jungkook kissed his cheek, "Please calm down Taehyungie."

Taehyung growled at him and hugged Jungkook by his waist.

" Chill out you two," Yoongi mumbled.

" Whatever."

" Shush peasant," Jin scoffed.

Taehyung was about to jump on him but Jungkook stopped him but hugging him by his arm, " Nooo TaeTae."

" I'm so excited Kai! We're finally in New Zealand," Taehyun jumped up and down with excitement.

" Ok people! We need to catch a Uber so we can get to the hotel," Mrs. Kim announces.

" Don't we need two uber cars," Kai asked.

" If I get a van but I think so," Mrs. Kim dialed a number.

" Let's go have a seat," Taehyung said.

They sat down and they were so excited.

" Ok y'all, I need you all to find any good looking guy," San looked around.

" Aren't you talking to Mark," Taehyung asked.

" No, I thought he was talking to Kai," Namjoon said.

" No, he was texting Lucas," Taehyun scoffed.

" Look, Lucas is all away in Italy. I know what you all are thinking, how can a freshman like me manage to get all the guys. The answer is... I don't know but the point is I'm loyal."

" Loyal my ass," Taehyun scoffed.

" The only loyal and beautiful person here is moi," Jin said.

Everyone rolled their eyes.

Then Mrs. Kim came over there, "Ok boys, we're getting two Uber drivers and they should be here in 10 minutes. So the vans only can take five people each. So I'll be in the front and I'll be riding with the young ones. Taehyung, you guys are riding the other one."

" Damn it," Taehyung mumbled.

" What's wrong TaeTae?"

" Jin."

" Ohh, it's going to be ok," he rubbed his cheek.

Taehyung grabs his hand and kissed it. Jungkook giggled while Jin scoffed.

Jin will never admit it but he's so jealous of the TaeKook's relationship. He has a reason........

(That's for later 😉)

" OK let's get our stuff and head outside so we can wait for the Uber driver to get here," Mrs. Kim got her bags.

They all got up and went outside and they gasped

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