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" Kook? It's us," Yeonjun knocks.

" It's your favorite freshmen," Taehyun said.

Then they heard footsteps and they frowned when they saw Jungkook red teary eyes. He had tears coming down his cheek and he's face was puffy from all that crying.

" K-Kook?"

" M-My cam-camera an-and bunny," he sobbed.

Yeonjun hugged him and patted his back, " I'm sorry Kookie."

" What happened," Taehyun softly asked.

" M-Me an-and Tae-Taehyungie ca-came ba-back an-and al-all of o-our stuff w-were o-on th-the flo-floor. Th-then I-I noticed th-that my bun-bunny was miss-missing a-and I-"

He cried out, Taehyun and Yeonjun looked at him with sadness.

" We're sorry about your things Kook," Yeonjun said,

" I-It's n-not that, I-I ju-just do-don't know wh-what di-did I-I do wrong? I-I try to do m-my be-best but I-i still g-get ha-hated o-on. I-I'm tired of it. I-I'm just tired of it."

Yeonjun and Taehyun looks at him with sadness.

"I-I'm so-sorry fo-for cry-crying o-over si-silly th-things."

" They're not silly things, they've meaning. Those are your prize possessions," Yeonjun rubbed his back.

" I heard how much they meant to you," Taehyun said.

" Th-Those w-were m-my fi-first gi-gifts fr-from so-someone th-that really lo-loves me...f-from so-someone l-li-like Ta-Taehyungie."

" Jungkook, I know those have meaning but those aren't your first gifts from Taehyung," Taehyun sighed.

Jungkook looked at him with confusion " T-They're not?"

"No Kook. Taehyung's love and affection was your first gift. That was your first gift of real love. And you can always have that gift in your heart," Taehyun pats his back.

" Tae's right Kook. Yes those items did have meaning and were your favorite but Taehyung is your gift. You have him all the time. You can't replace that gift. It's always in your heart Kookie."

" Yea, don't let that jealous old hag make you cry over replaceable items. You got the best gift of all, Taehyung's love and affection. That's your blue bunny and camera," Taehyun held his hand.

" Exactly! He's your gift, not those items. You need to save those tears for something else. Please don't let Jin break you down," Yeonjun wipes his face with his sleeves.

" He's a old bitch."

Jungkook giggled, " Tha-Thank you Junnie and Tae. I really do appreciate it. And y-you're right, I really shouldn't be crying over silly replaceable things. I-I got Taehyung's love a-and that's my favorite gift."

" Now that's the spirit," Yeonjun smiled.

" Yassss hyung!"

" B-But I-I just don't get it."

" Get what Jungkook?"

" W-why d-do they hate me so much."

" Who hates you Kook," Taehyun grabs his hand.

" H-hyungs a-and bas-basically eve-everyone."

" No one hates you, I don't hate you, Taehyun, Kai, Soobin, San and Taehyung most definitely not hate you."

" Yea hyung we don't hate you. And don't let them make you cry. Show them that strong Kookie you are. Yea they messed up your things but don't let them make you weak. Be that strong Jungkook," Taehyun said.

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