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" The frog isn't going to hurt you anymore Junnie."

" Momma, the frog jumped on my face!"

Mrs. Kim cooed, " I know baby."

After chasing down Yeonjun, they left the sightseeing and now they're waiting in front of this cafe to meet their family members.

They're coming to pick them up and Jungkook was so nervous. He already met his grandparents and that didn't go too well.

" You're probably going to get warts," Taehyung chuckled.

Yeonjun looked at him with fear, " H-Huh?"

" Yea dude, frog give people warts and the frog jumped on your face then you're going to have warts all over your face," Taehyung smirked.

Yeonjun's eyes started to water, " R-Really?"

" Yep, and you know what warts are, permanent. Then you're going to look like a frog too, I wonder if Soobin doesn't mind kissing a frog every day," Taehyung smirked.

Jungkook hit his arm, " TaeTae!"

Taehyung was covering up his mouth from laughing out loud, Yeonjun started to panic and Jungkook sighed.

Hyunjin rolled his eyes, " Hyungie you don't-"

" M-Momma!"

Yeonjun ran over to his mom leaving Taehyung dying of laughter.

" That was mean hyung," Hyunjin sighed.

" Oh come on, he's so gullible," he laughed.

Taehyung contuined to laugh while Hyunjin scoffed and Jungkook sighed, " Oh boy."

Mrs.Kim walked over to them with a crying Yeonjun hugging her.

" Why did you tell your brother that he'll look like a frog?"

Taehyung was too busy laughing too hard to answer. Hyunjin walked over and wiped his hyung's face.

Mrs. Kim growled, " Jungkook."

" I know," he got up and pulled Taehyung to the side.

Mrs. Kim smiled when Jungkook threatened to not kisses for a day or hugs and told him never to that again.

Taehyung pouted and slowly nodded his head. Jungkook smiled and kissed his cheek. They came back and Mrs. Kim smiled at the couple.

" You're not going to have warts on your face, our brother is just a meanie ok?"

Yeonjun hiccupped and slowly nodded his head.

Jungkook walked over with Taehyung's hand, "Junnie?"

Yeonjun and Hyunjin looked up at him.

Jungkook looked at Tae, "TaeTae has something to say."

Taehyung lowly growled and Yeonjun glared at him.

Jungkook nudged at him, " TaeTae?"

" I'm..."

Yeonjun raised his eyebrow and Jungkook sighed, "Taehyungie."

Taehyung groaned, " Oh come on, it's a prank. I didn't think he'll actually believe it."

Yeonjun growled and tackled him, Taehyung and him started fighting on the ground.

Hyunjin just shook his head while Jungkook and Mrs. Kim facepalmed.

" Meanie!"

" Crybaby!"

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