New Zealand

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"Ok people tomorrow is the big day. So remember that y'all are spending the night at my house so we can all be ready together. Then at 4 o'clock in the morning, we're leaving," Taehyung announced.

Everyone whined.

It's lunchtime and everyone that's going on the trip is sitting at one big table discussing the plan for the trip.

Mrs.Kim told the school that they're taking a two-week vacation. So everyone was set, this trip is set in motion.

"At four o'clock in the morning!? That's not enough time for my beauty sleep," Jin scoffed.

" Oh shut it," Yoongi snapped.

" Wait? So the seven of us is going to stay the night at your house," San asked.

" Yes, so we don't have to wake up extra early so we can pick all of y'all up."

" Oh! I'm so happy! It's like a big huge sleepover," Yeonjun exclaimed.

" Bestie! This is about to be lit as fuck," Taehyun hugged Yeonjun's arm.

" I know right....Oh my, I got to pack," Yeonjun panicked.

" Oh, that reminds me, pack when you guys get home. Then immediately come to my house," Taehyung said.

" I'll let you use my van so you can pick everyone up," Yoongi offered.

" Alright bet, thanks Yoons."

" So Tae is picking up me, Kai, San, Yoongi, and Jin," Namjoon asked.

" Yes sir," Taehyung said.

" So what hotel are we staying at Tae," Yoongi asked.

" We're going to this place in Lake Wanaka and I think it's called The Rees. It's so beautiful."

" I seen the pictures and it is very beautiful. Oh Taehyungie, this so exciting! I can't wait for tomorrow," Jungkook hugged him.

"Ok bitches we need to make some ground rules, tomorrow no one wakes me up but Tae," Yoongi said.

" Why Tae," Yeonjun asked.

" He's the only one that knows how to wake up Yoongi," Namjoon answered.

" It's my specialty," Taehyung smirked.

" That's what you said when w-"

" Shut it Kook," Taehyung growled.

Jungkook giggled and the others looked at them with confusion.

" I was going to say my Taehyungie has a way to wake me up."

" Oh."

" What did you think he was talking about," Yoongi raised his eyebrow.

" N-Nothing."

" Nasty," Jin mumbled.

"Anyways. Kookie, I found a perfect spot for you to take pictures," he quickly change the subject.

" Taehyungie..." Jungkook whined as blushed and hid his face with his hands.

" Come on Kookie, your pictures are great. Just imagine all those views you can use and take."

" Oh trust me, his pictures are really good," Yeonjun smiled.

" You take pictures hyung," Taehyun asked.

" Oh yes, Kook take good pictures. I seen them, they're beautiful," Yeonjun smiled.

" Agreed, Kookie is the best! He took great picture of me and it's really cool!"

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