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" My baby!"

Mrs. Kim cried when she saw that picture of Taehyung.

Taehyung was her firstborn, her partner in crime, her little TaeBear.

And now he's beaten and missing.

When she got home, she was hugged by two crying teenagers babbling about something. She didn't know what was going on.

She thought it was something childish but then she saw everyone on her couch and it had looked like everyone has been crying.

When she asked what's wrong, that made Yeonjun and Jungkook cry even harder. She was so confused and scared.

Namjoon slowly showed her the picture and her heart broke into pieces.

When she saw her son beaten and unconscious like that, she didn't know what to do.

She got on her knees and started crying. She started yelling and crying out loud. Yeonjun and Jungkook hugged her while the rest of them looked at them with sadness.

It was a sad scene to watch for everyone, they couldn't imagine how she was feeling.

Now they're on the couch waiting for the police to come. Mrs. Kim wanted to go down there but he didn't want to leave her Junnie and Kookie.

She told the others they could go home if they want to but they obviously didn't want to leave.

Mrs. Kim was like family to them and they loved Taehyung, they wanted to show their support and help find Taehyung.

Yeonjun was is currently hugging and crying on Soobin while Mrs. Kim was hugging the sobbing Jungkook.

Jin was in the kitchen cooking dinner, he wanted to try to ease the situation. He thought a nice dinner will try to ease the problem, its the least he could do.

Namjoon was on the couch trying to make a plan, he needed to find Taehyung. When he saw that picture, he lost his mind. He couldn't imagine anything bad to Taehyung.

He thought Taehyung was like his little brother to him and he loved him. Taehyung helped him out in so many ways, how to let go, how not to be so serious, and most importantly he helped him to come out to his family.

Namjoon would do anything to make sure that Taehyung is alive.

" My baby, my poor baby," Mrs. Kim cried.

" Where are the police!? We have been waiting for like an hour," Namjoon groaned.

" T-They said they'll be here soon," Kai sighed.

" But her son and our friend is missing! This should be their first priority."

" My baby must be in so much pain, a-and I don't know where he is," Mrs. Kim wiped her face.

Jungkook was not doing to well, he was freaking out and heartbroken.

When he saw that picture be sent to his phone, his heart sank.

The only person that showed him how to be loved and showed him how to love himself could be dead.

He couldn't get that picture out of his head, him beaten like that, and barely seem alive.

Taehyung was his first friend, his first love, his first kiss, his first everything.

He couldn't live without him.

He told him all the things they wanted to do together. They talked about their dreams and the future together.

They were going to graduate high school, they were going to the same college, they were going to have a house together, they were going to have children and even have a dog together.

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