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When they got home, Mrs.Kim immediately called the school. They said that they can't do anything about it without evidence.

Of course, Mrs. Kim got mad. She told them that her son wasn't a liar and her eldest son and his friend saw it.

They said that they could be lying, and Mrs.Kim hanged up the phone after that.

Yeonjun was pretty shaken up, he felt so weak. He has never been that scared in his life. When his brother told him that the school couldn't do anything. His world stopped.

Taehyung calmed him down and his mom told him that she asked the school to switch his classes so he doesn't have any classes with them.

They said yes and that made things a little bit better.

But he was still scared.

Taehyung really wanted to go over Jimin's house to beat the shit of him. But his lovely new boyfriend told him not too. He didn't want him to go to jail and ruin his future.

Speaking of boyfriend, Tae and Jungkook decided to keep it on the low. Meaning not telling anyone. Not even their parents or friends.

And also, they're definitely not showing their relationship to Jimin. If he could almost ruin Yeonjun's life. Who knows what he'll do if he finds out about their relationship.

So they kept it a secret.

Well... Yeonjun knows because when Jungkook went to apologized to him for everything he has done. Well, Taehyung accidentally told him.

Or should I say showed Yeonjun, when he kissed Jungkook on the cheek.

Luckily, Yeonjun was happy for the two and promise not to tell anyone. They were happy that he supported them and they also didn't tell him about the Jimin part.

They didn't want to make him more paranoid than he already is. They'll handle this themselves.

They also can't tell the hyungs because they don't know what they'll do if they found out what Jimin did.

It's the next day and Mrs. Kim decided that Yeonjun won't be going to school for a week. She took off a week to spend time with her son. Taehyung agreed and Mrs. Kim told him not to cause any trouble.

He hesitantly agreed and went to school.

Now, Taehyung is on his way to Jungkook's house. Then all of a sudden he sees Jimin there too. He noticed that Jungkook was sending glares at him and Jimin was.....smiling?

Taehyung tried hard not to explode but he can't let him know what he knows.

So he faked it.

That acting summer school paid off.

Jimin smiled at him like he didn't almost cause his brother to almost bleed out or get kidnapped. Not to mention blackmail his boyfriend to do his dirty work.

They both got in, Jimin rushed into the front seat.

" Sorry Kookie, I want the front seat. You understand right?"

Taehyung gave him apologetic looked and Jungkook smiled at him.

Then he faked smiled at Jimin, " Of course."

Jimin smiled and got in. Jungkook lowly growled and got in the back seat. He saw his boyfriend looking at him and Jungkook gave him a thumbs up. Taehyung smiled and started driving.

" I heard what happened to your brother and I'm so sorry Tae," Jimin apologized while patting Taehyung shoulder.

' Don't explode. Don't explode. Please don't fucking explode,'  Taehyung thought over and over again.

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