
393 23 18

He ate that cover up😤😤😤😤


" Kook get your foot out of my back," Taehyun groaned.

" Yeonjun your sleeping on my arm," Jungkook whined.

" Taehyun get off of me, "Yeonjun lowly growled.

" Ok ok, I'm up Jesus Christ! What time is it," Taehyun yawned.

Yeonjun looked on his phone, " It's 11:30."

" Come on, let's go get ready," Taehyun got up.

" For what," Jungkook stretched.

" To see my bae and the others duh."

" C-Can't we just hang out more," Jungkook pouted.

" Yea, I'm still mad at Binnie."

" Why are you mad," Jungkook yawned.

" He kept flirting with that skank," Taehyun answered.

" Who?"

" Emma," Yeonjun mumbled.

" O-Oh. Maybe he was just being nice."

" No Kook, when you and Tae left yesterday, they were flirting even more," Taehyun scoffed as he fixed the bed.

" H-He just didn't care," Yeonjun whimpered.

" Aww, I'm sorry Junnie. It's going to be ok," Jungkook hugged him.

" How?"

" M-Maybe you should have a long conversation with him."

" I-I don't want to," he pouted.

" Didn't this happen the last time and you guys broke up for like a day," Taehyun said.

Yeonjun glared at him, " We don't talk about that."

" This is why you guys need to talk now before you or he does something stupid," Jungkook patted his back.

" I agree with Jungkook, you need to talk," Taehyun said while folding his clothes.

" Ok. I'll talk to him today."

" Great! Let's get clean," Jungkook said.

" Ok!"

" Hey guys~"

" What's up Tae," Yeonjun asked while brushing his teeth.

"Let's show our so-called boyfriends how hot we really are," Taehyun smirked.

Yeonjun and Jungkook looked at each other with confusion.

" Let's get ready."


" Yoons! I'm going crazy."

" Calm down."

" No! That psychotic ass monster is here and my mom and my brother and my fucking boyfriend is here and he's crazy bro!"

" Calm down, look how about we just go tell your mom and maybe we can get a different hotel."

" Yoons! It's like where ever we go, he's there. And I can tell you he's up to something," he growls.

" Y'all! I just got a date from this hot New Zealand dude by the pool," San ran in the room.

" What?"

" This dude is hot as shit! Like damn, and I thought he wasn't gay but then asked me out and I was like hell yes!"

" How old is this kid," Yoongi walked up to him.

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