
447 17 64

I'm going to warn you now, this might be sucky and I'm sorry in advance, and please don't hate this or hate me too much.😅




" W-We're trying b-boss."

" TRY HARDER! Those bastards ruined my warehouse! My weapons, my drugs, and most importantly MY MONEY! I WANT THEM TO ALL DIE! EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM!"

The rest of the surviving flinched, they kept quiet except for someone that was laughing at them.

" You know, this wouldn't have happened if you just left me alone," Mr. Kim chuckled.

Seung-won quickly turned his head and he gave him the darkest glare, "You will pay for this!"

" I didn't do anything, I was there with you. It was my amazing sons that did this."

Seung-won got up and put a knife on his throat, " I will kill you right here, and right now if you don't keep your mouth shut!"

Mr. Kim sighed, " Man, you really have a temper."

Seung-won growled and he was about to slice his neck but someone interrupted him, " U-Um si-sir?"

" WHAT!?"

" U-U-Um t-the k-kids a-are going through a-a tunnel."

Seung-won looked at Mr. Kim who just shrugged his shoulders, he growls and he grabbed the driver's collar, " Follow them!"

" Y-Yes sir!"

Seung-won leaned back and he gripped his gun, "They will die."


" I-I d-don't like this i-idea."

" Shush! Come on it'll be fine."

" Ok guys, I called them and the police should be here any minute. I sent the location and everything," Beomgyu told them.

" Ok, so we just got to drive them to the actual police station and bam! Get the hell out of here," Taehyung explained.

Mrs. Kim sighed, then she saw Hyunjin sleeping on her shoulder. She caressed his head and she sighed, "This has to stop."

" For real," Uncle Ji sighed.

Yeonjun was cuddling with Soobin with Yeontan on his lap, he was thinking about his experience with Korea.

He has been through so much and he's so tired, he wants to take a big nap but he has to be full-on awake because there are bad people following them.

He was also worried about Namjoon, Wheein and Mrs. Kim were able to get the bullet out but he lost a lot of blood that made him really nervous. Namjoon did look paler and weaker, he was praying that they would leave them alone.

Yeonjun has concluded that next year's Christmas, he's staying in his room.

Meanwhile, Taehyung had Jungkook laying on top of him with his hands around his waist and Jungkook laying on his chest holding on to him.

Taehyung was so tired of this year man, he was just so done with everything and he just wants to be with his bae, his bed and he just wants to lay around all day.

He also felt so bad for his family and friends, they always have to be in some sort of trouble and it's all his fault.

He doesn't deserve to have friends like these, he thinks that after this is over they'll leave him and probably doesn't want to associate with a family that has problems every two months.

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