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" Whoa, Hyunjinnie! We're on the plane!"

Hyunjin huffed as he read his book, Yeonjun for some reason has been hyper all day. They have been on the plane for 5 hours and he has been excited all the plane ride.

He got so excited that he started to sing for some reason. Hyunjin just kept quiet and contuined to read.

" I know hyungie, we have been on the plane for 5 hours."

" I have been on a plane before, it was going to New Zealand, the mountains were really pretty and they had the cute alpacas. Oh my gosh! I should have gotten an alpaca plushie," he pouted.

Hyunjin sighed, " Oh lord."

" Ooh! I wonder how's Binnie's doing."

Yeonjun got on his phone and started to call him, it ranged and Soobin quickly answered.

" Hey Junnie!"

" Hi Binnie! How are you?"

" I'm doing great, I miss you."

Yeonjun blushed and giggled, " I miss you too, we're on the plane and I miss you sitting right next to be Binnie."

" Me too babe, how is it so far?"

" Well I have been excited, Hyunjin has been reading and Tae and Kookie are watching a movie."

" Oh? Well can you ask what's wrong with Hyunjin?"

" Why?"

" Because he hasn't been answering San's text and San is freaking the fuck out. He came to school tired looking and had puffy eyes because he thought he did something or something happened."

" Hold on," Yeonjun took his phone out of his ear, "Um Hyunjin?"

" Yes," he said while reading.

" Why haven't you been texting San back?"

Hyunjin looked at him weirdly, " I haven't?"

" No, he was crying and not getting enough sleep because you weren't responding to him. Are you mad at him or something?"

" N-No, I swear maybe-"

He stopped when he realized he doesn't have his phone on him. He started looking in his seat and he started to freak out.

" W-Where's my phone," he took off his seatbelt and looked on the floor.

Yeonjun sighed, " Binnie, can I call you right back?"

" Of course Junnie, I love you."

" I love you too."

He hanged up and looked at the panicking Hyunjin.

" Hyunjin? What are you looking for?"

" M-My phone. I-It's not here!"

" Hold on calm down, maybe you packed it in your bag."

Hyunjin sighed as he got up and sat back down, " Y-You're probably right. B-But can you call it o-or check the location please."

Yeonjun sighed, " Ok."

He dialed his number and let it ranged. It ranged and ranged until someone answered it.

" Hello," Yeonjun asked.

Then the phone hanged up and Yeonjun was confused, " Huh? That was weird."

" W-What?"

" Well someone answered your phone and they hanged up on me."

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