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When Yeonjun told Taehyung what happened, he lost his cool. He kept yelling and telling them that he was about to kill Soobin.

Mrs.Kim was about to march over his house and whoop his ass, but Yeonjun told her not too. She stopped but she was so angry.

Jungkook kept telling him it's going to be ok but Taehyung was loosing it.

Jungkook had to calm him down because he was so mad. He felt like Yeonjun doesn't deserve to be talked like that. Taehyun and Kai came over to support him.

Taehyun thought Soobin was being an asshole for not letting Yeonjun explain himself. Kai agreed, even though they been friends with Soobin the longest, that doesn't mean that he was right in this situation.

They bought him his favorite ice cream and had a movie night with him. Yeonjun was feeling terrible. He couldn't believe that Soobin of all people didn't believe him. He doesn't even know that did he do!

He thought that Soobin was different from everyone else, but he guesses he was wrong.

When he saw the anger in his eyes, he knew that's not the Soobin he loved. That Soobin was mean and scary. He doesn't even know if they're together.

Yeonjun kept begging his mom for not letting him go to school. She said no, because he missed over two weeks of school already. He didn't put up a fight, all she did was ruffled his hair and kissed his cheek.

Taehyung didn't know what to feel. When he saw Yeonjun look so defeated, it broke him. Yeonjun is usually lively and positive.

Seeing him so sad makes him even angrier. He didn't like him hanging out with San either but he wasn't going to call him stupid or do all that extra shit that Soobin did.

They're currently driving for school, Yeonjun was still sad. Jungkook looked at the mirror and he sighed.

He didn't like seeing Yeonjun so sad. He felt like Yeonjun was his younger brother too. He wanted to do something,but he didn't know what to do.

" So, I might quit basketball."

Taehyung and Yeonjun looked at him with wide eyes.

" Why babe?"

" Because TaeTae, you said so yourself that this my life and I-I want to join a photography club that they have in the school."

Taehyung gave him is boxy smile and kissed his hand, " That's great babe! I'm so proud of you."

Jungkook blushed, " T-thanks TaeTae."

" Man, I won't see you anymore," Yeonjun pouted.

" Yeonjun, he kinda lives with us. You're going to see him every day," Taehyung laughed.

" Yeah,but Tae he's good. Like really good. Our team is going to be garbage without having all four of us."

" W-Well I said I might quit, but I won't join next year though."

" Well ok, but I'm happy that you're trying to be a photographer," Yeonjun smiled.

" Thanks. That means a lot. But, a-are you going to be ok?"

Yeonjun sighed, " I-I'll be ok."

"And if that asshole says anything or do anything, you immediately come tell me or Kook."

" Yes Tae," Yeonjun rolled his eyes.

" Good. So who wants Starbucks?"

" Taehyungie, you don't like coffee."

" I know that babe, but they got these delicious tea and muffins!"

" Oh! Can I have their banana muffin please?!"

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