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" Binnie! Please can I please have one more cookie?!"

" Junnie, you had like 15 cookies, that's enough. You know you get a sugar rush."

" I do not," he stomped his foot.

" Babe, no. You had too many."

Yeonjun crosses his arms and had an angry pout, "I won't talk to you anymore."

Soobin sighed, " Babe, I'm doing this for your own good. You had too many sweets."

Yeonjun turned away from him with an angry pout.

Soobin sighed, " Well when you stop having a tantrum, I'll be watching T.V."

Soobin left the kitchen leaving an angry Yeonjun.

" I'm doing this for your own good," he mimicked.

Yeonjun realized that he doesn't need his permission, he's 15!

He can basically do whatever he wants!

Yeonjun smirked and heads to the cabinet with the snacks. He grab a chair and stood on it to reach the cabinet. When he opened it the cookies were gone!

" W-what?"

Then he heard some clapping and he turned around to see his boyfriend holding the pack of cookies.

" You thought I would leave you with the cookies?"

" Binnie!"

" Sorry babe, I can't have you stay up all night when we have school."

Yeonjun jumped from the table and stomped to the living room.

" Man this is too funny," Soobin laughed.

He went to the living room and he saw his boyfriend sulking.

" Come on babe, don't be like that."

" I don't want to talk to you."

" Oh! I know! Let's invite Kai and Tae and we can have a competition."

" A competition?"

" Yea! Like a couple game. Like who knows who better."

Yeonjun smiled, " Thats a perfect idea Binnie! I'll go call them right now," he ran upstairs to get his phone.


" Why are we doing this again?"

" Because Tae we're going to have a competition to see who is the better couple," Soobin said.

"And I'm here just because I'm the host and I'm single so let's begin," San said.

They all sat down in the kitchen table, the couples sitting face to face while San is standing up.

" Welcome to the game called who knows who the couple edition I'm your host San!"

" What is he doing," Taehyun whispers.

" I have no idea," Kai whispered back.

" Ok so, how the game works is that I'm going to ask you a question about one person in the relationship and the other person has to write down the answer and if they're right they get a point if they're wrong they don't."

" Ok! I'm ready," Yeonjun exclaimed.

" All right first question this is targeted to Soobin  and Tae, what is their favorite food?"

Kai and Yeonjun quickly wrote down an answer.

" Done!"

" Alright Jun, what's the answer?"

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