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That's how Yeonjun was feeling.

Even though, he enjoyed of not having homework or dealing with bullies for a week but he was bored.

Who knew that Taehyung was the life of the party. Of course he's mom hasn't been letting him out of her sight.

Let's just say, she has been very protective. She hugged him for 30 minutes! Normally he loves his mom hugs but it was too much.

He asked her can he go outside but she said no. She said she doesn't want those criminals know where here baby lives.

He kept telling her that they don't even know where he lived she didn't care. She told him no and they watched a movie.

They ended up taking a nap while the movie was playing. When the movie ended he woke up but his mom didn't.

' Maybe I can go outside just for a little bit.'

He quietly got up and opened the door and stood outside. He needed to get out the house. Even though it's been one day.

He loved his mom and doesn't blame her for being this way. He did get cut. He sighed.

Right when he was about to go inside and ball rolled on his front lawn. He walked down and picked it up.

Then he heard a voice, " Hey!"

He turned around and he saw a tall boy with black hair. He had a doughy face and dimples.

Yeonjun thought he was adorable!

Then he realized he remembered this face.

' Wait? Isn't he the one that San poured milk on.. oh snap!'

" Umm, hello?"

Yeonjun snapped out of it, " Oh I'm sorry, what did you say?"

" I said can I have my ball back please."

" O-oh. I'm sorry," he handed him the ball.

" No-no problem."

Yeonjun smilied he was about to go back to the house until he heard a familiar voice.

" Hey wait!"

He turned back around and saw the boy was still standing there.

" I'm Soobin," he leaned his hand forward for Yeonjun to shake it.

Yeonjun shakes his hand, " I-I'm Yeonjun."

' God! Stop stuttering!'

Soobin let go and gasped, " Oh! You're in my History class!"

" I am?"

" Yeah! You sit in the front and while I sit in the back."

Yeonjun blushed, " O-oh I'm sorry."

" Don't worry about it."

" Sooo what did I miss?"

" Oh? Well I didn't go to school today because my mom said I can skip today. You?"

Crap. He didn't want his new potential friend that he got cut up and he's mom was scared that they'll do worse.

" Same."

" Oh cool. Um mind if I hang out here?"

' Really!'

" Nope," he gasped and covered his mouth.

'Why did I answer so fast?!'

Soobin laughed and tossed the ball in the air.

" So, you play any sports?"

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