Chapter 36: Room Lighting

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Wen Niannan barely slept last night, and went downstairs to help Aunt Lan clean up the dishes. Not long after he sat down, the two people upstairs also walked down.

Gu Yansheng looked at Wen Niannan who was eating. He originally wanted to go to the study after he came out of Luo'an's room last night. He got up drunk and got a little dizzy. He took a cold shower to relieve him.

When passing by the guest room, he saw the light from the crack in the door. Gu Yansheng stopped. Maybe the person inside was not asleep or maybe it was because he was afraid of the dark and turned on the lights all night.

Seeing Gu Yansheng looking at Wen Niannan, Shen Luoan showed a touch of jealousy in his eyes. He deliberately shook Gu Yansheng's hand and said, "Yan Sheng, I didn't sleep well yesterday because I slept too late. I want to go to your office lounge and sleep again later. "

Gu Yansheng did not hear what he was saying, thinking it was saying that the wine bureau came back too late yesterday to allow him to sleep longer, and nodded: "Okay, you worked so hard yesterday." 

The two said each other, and Wen Niannan sat down. The body on the table stiffened, the hand holding the tableware was shaking, and the food in his mouth was like chewing wax and it was difficult to swallow.

Gu Yansheng quickly finished eating, and his eyes deliberately or unintentionally looked at the person with his head down and silent. It was not until Shen Luoan stopped the tableware in his hand that he stood up and left with Shen Luoan.

After the two left, Wen Niannan also put down the tableware in his hand.

"This humorous person knows to seduce Mr., and he is really shameless. Mr. even brought him to the house." Aunt Lan couldn't stand it anymore and said with an injustice for Wen Niannan.

"He is reminding me, reminding me to always figure out who I am. I am just a person who will be abandoned by him at any time."

If it weren't for a mother who insisted on protecting herself, I am afraid this marriage would have ceased to exist. He didn't have the ability to compete with Gu Yansheng...

"How are the preparations for the birthday party?"

"Almost, as in previous years, the old lady has already sent someone to organize it, so we don't need to worry about it."

As soon as Gu Yansheng arrived at the company, the receptionist at the front desk told him that someone was waiting for him in the office, wondering if someone could enter his office and not be stopped by Xiao Li.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw Zhou Yuanfeng sitting at the desk looking at the documents with Erlang's legs tilted up.

"Zhou Yuanfeng, are you trying to usurp the throne? I should call you President Zhou?" 

Zhou Yuanfeng said faintly, "It's almost done. If you die like this, your mother might really hand over the company to me.

" Oh, maybe, my mother liked to hug you when you were young, and it hurts more than my own son."

Because the two parents are close friends, they are friends who have known each other since childhood. Zhou Yuanfeng entered after graduation. The Gu Group is Gu Yansheng's most trusted man.

"How long will you stay in China this time?"

"Next week, after your birthday, I will look for several potential companies in China to invest in.

I will leave when I'm busy." "My mother told you?"

"Well, last time. That Pingle Group was selected by President Lu."

Gu Yansheng leaned on the desk and said questioningly: "What happened to the Pingle Group last time? There is no abnormality in the cooperation project. Why did everything go to me? This is not you. The style of an elite in the workplace."

Zhou Yuanfeng raised his brows and said uncomfortably: "That guy's disgusting eyes make me very uncomfortable. I'm afraid I will be unable to control him and beat him into the hospital a few more times."

Then he thought. What happened, and then said: "He should also come to your birthday party the day after tomorrow. You'd better pray that I won't do it on the spot."

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