Chapter 39: Where Did This Score Come From

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 As soon as Wen Niannan grasped Shen Luoan's hand that was playing the piano, Shen Luoan was frightened and struggling quickly: "What are you doing, Niannan? Let go of me."

Gu Yansheng was startled by the sudden scene before him. The weak Wen Niannan is so strong.

"Where did you get this score?"

"What score? I wrote it myself. It's a birthday gift for Yan Sheng." Shen Luoan struggled to pull his hand out, but was clenched and couldn't get away.

Seeing that he was still lying, Wen Niannan was even more angry: "You lied! This score was clearly written by me. I put it in the file bag in the room, and you stole it!"

"Shut up! Let him go! "Gu Yansheng shouted harshly with a cold face.

"Yan Sheng, I don't have it. This is what I wrote. I prepared for a long time. I plan to use this song for the competition." Shen Luoan's tears couldn't stop flowing, and the aggrieved appearance made people feel distressed.

Gu Yansheng glanced at him, lowered his head and spit out two words.

"Let go." "What?" Wen Niannan was stunned.

"I asked you to let him go!" The tone was even colder than before.

"You... Believe him or not believe me?"

Seeing Wen Niannan still not let go, impatiently Gu Yansheng stepped forward and shook his hand back and Wen Niannan staggered back.

After breaking free, Shen Luoan threw himself in his arms and shouted that his hands hurt. Gu Yansheng lowered his head to see that his white wrists were reddening a lot, and his face instantly turned black. He stepped forward and looked at Wen Niannan, and said coldly, "Apologize."

"Why do I apologize for what I did wrong?"

Wen Niannan was trembling, but still bite the bullet and looked straight at Gu Yansheng's resolute denial. He didn't want to let Shen Luoan's denial. The same method succeeded for the second time.

"Wen Niannan, you are too cruel. One sentence ruined the reputation of others. It is disgusting!"

"I don't have..." Wen Niannan felt that no amount of words could be said, even if he said it, no one believed it.

Gu Yansheng comforted the person in his arms, and said with a harsh look in his eyes: "Are you saying that you wrote this song? You said that Luo An was a plagiarism in front of so many people without any basis, not to let his reputation ruin him. What is fame?"

"That was really written by me...Shen Luoan stole it. I left it in my room after I wrote it. You know that Shen Luoan entered my room. He has done this before... "

Shen Luoan see something bad, sobbing from Gu Yan Sheng arms stuck his head and said:" But that is your offering to let me live in your room, I had to live in rooms. "

word awoke Gu Yan Sheng, he saw Xiang Wen Niannan's eyes were colder than before: "It turned out to be like this..."

"At that time, I was surprised why you offered to let Luo An live in the master bedroom. It turned out to be so. You are really good at these insidious tricks ." Wen Niannan clenched his fists. , finally powerless drooped, with a wry smile and asked: "? If I say he also had campus music competition took my first entry scores and then framed me, you will not think I'm crazy." 

"You're High school Music competition on campus copied over Luoan and frame-up on him, that thing is the school are well known, and now even dare blamed, Wen Niannan, you make me sick!  these days he had to get along He had made some changes to Wen Niannan, but he didn't expect that Wen Niannan would be jealous of Shen Luoan to such a degree that he would not hesitate to plant his reputation in public.

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