Diana Cavendish

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2nd September 2014, Akko, Lotte and Sucy were dressing the Luna Nova uniform and get ready.

- Oh I can't wait to have witch classes!

Says Akko cheerful.

- Is like a normal class I don't know why you are so cheerful.

Says Lotte.

- Normal Witch classes is different than normal human classes

Says Akko.

Then when they go to classes Akko easily gets bored because the classes are just normal classes but with witch stuff, then another problem that was her inexperience to cast some spells being very messy made the whole class laugh at her, but then at the professor Nelson classes she was just as good as everyone with Akko and Amanda O'Neill doing some stunts with their brooms.

- Hey Kagari! O'Neill! You shouldn't do that with brooms is dangerous! Stops or your brooms will be confiscated!

Says Professor Nelson.

- Oh so boring!

Says Amanda stopping.

- Look at the Cavendish! She really knows how to fly with a broom.

Says Professor Nelson pointing to Diana.

Then Diana goes towards them and land with a perfect braking.

- Perfect Cavendish! You're our prodigy!

Says Professor Nelson.

- Oh I can't stand to that spoiled Cavendish, really she only shows herself to be above everyone.

Says Amanda.

- But she's better than you look how precisely she brakes.

Says Akko.

- Are you implying I'm not as good as her? Listen here newbie, I'm not into that broom racing thing I just want to show everyone how awesome this stunts are.

Says Amanda.

- Oh I'm sorry, but she isn't that bad, maybe she will be my rival.

Says Akko.

- Rival? Come on newbie, you can't even do a spell right and you think you should be a rival to Diana Cavendish.

Says Amanda laughing.

- Oh Fuck you then Amanda!

Says Akko leaving.

After the professor Nelson classes Akko was eating in the hall with her friends Lotte and Sucy, she was talking to Lotte about how great Chariot is and how she wants to be a broom racer, but then Hannah and Barbara appears and interrupt their conversation.

- Well well, looks like you could make it to Luna Nova and why do you keep talking about Chariot and broom racing? Look Barb she still liking that witch that was a shame to our witch world and the primitive sport of broom racing.

Says Hannah.

- Excuse me? Why Chariot is a shame to the witch world she just tried to made magic possible to everyone besides racing and what's wrong of broom racing?

Says Akko standing up in front of Hannah

- She is a shame because of she wants to help the mundanes like you became a witch and I just find that broom racing is an old bad sport and shouldn't even exist the World Broom Racing Championship anymore, why do witches keep competing in an event like that?

Says Hannah.

- Because is awesome to race to the limits and don't call normal humans mundanes you don't born a witch? You're just a descendant of one that is basically a human like me or you!

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