The new tech magic classes

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2nd September 2015, after the first day in Luna Nova and the small party the girls did to welcome Emma and celebrate a new school year beginning, Akko had just woken up and goes to her room bathroom, there she brushes her teeth and reflects on how the new teachers will be.

- (They're pretty familiar, kind of short, I think they must be Cons's moms, their name aren't strange to me... Wait a minute... Diana's aunt's tape! They helped Diana's aunt get the fertility stone! I'm shocked and perplexed now... I just hope they're not like Diana's dead aunt... Croix had said they were very nice, as I did not pay attention when she spoke the names of the teachers? I was so anxious about their daughter's news that I didn't even pay attention and out it was the day after that...)

Akko washes her face and starts trying to tie her hair, but in that of trying to tie it she looks in the mirror and takes a deep breath.

- (You know what? I'm not tying my hair today! Is going to be pinching and I look like a child tying it up like this, I'm going to do like Diana and leave it without tying, when I was in her house I didn't have this need to tie it up all the time, the bangs even grew a lot, cut or not? )

Akko looks in the mirror the bangs were already covering her mouth, she takes a comb and starts to see some hairstyles, first she tries to split them in half but she doesn't like it, then she tries to throw the bangs to the side, but she finds a lot of 80's, then she takes a pair of scissors and starts to cut the bangs on the forehead line, after cutting her own hair she throws away the hair that was left in the sink, and gives herself a wink.

- (I'm getting better at this every day, one day Diana will let me cut her hair and see how I am an artist).

After leaving the bathroom already changed, Kagari encounters Lotte and Sucy both with arms crossed a little serious, the Manbavaran even pushes Akko and enters the bathroom to change and take a bath.

- What's happening Akko?

Says Lotte.

- I was just cutting my hair, but I didn't take that long, it was only 20 minutes, classes won't start for an hour.

Says Akko.

- Akko you stayed 40 minutes in the bathroom, classes start in 40 minutes and not in one hour.

Says Lotte in a very serious tone.

- I'm sorry... I guess I lost track of time while reflecting on these new teachers.

Says Akko.

- All right Akko, by the way, your hair looks incredible, so I saw we are going to have classes with them today and it is our next class until, they both looked really cool yesterday, I hope they are really the way they told it and the new student from the lilac team has arrived with everything, did you notice how Jasminka was falling for her?

Says Lotte.

- I didn't even realise it, I was too focused on playing, while Diana kept interviewing that Brasilian girl, I admit I was even jealous, but when I told Diana about it, she kept laughing at me.

Says Akko inflating his cheeks.

- Oh, so you mean you're a jealous girlfriend?

Says Lotte holding the laugh.

- I'm not jealous; I just thought that Emma was paying too much attention to my Diana... But if Jas is interested in her, I'm in to make that little couple be real.

Says Akko raising her fist.

- Don't go acting impulsively Akko either; you have to let it roll.

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