Belgium GP

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21st May 2017, two weeks had passed since the Belgian GP in Luna Nova, the theoretical tests had ended, but the week of practical tests had begun a week before, the week that was to come was already the final straight, in the practical tests the girls were trying their best to show a perfect posture, Akko and Diana were quite unconcerned, only Kagari who was a little apprehensive about her posture being more correct when performing a spell, was something that the Japanese had a certain difficulty, but even so she was doing well.

The race this time will be in China, where unfortunately only Akko and Diana could come to the race to watch, as it was too far away and the schedule did not allow, so much so that on Thursday of that week, the two asked principal Holbrooke to do the tests on Friday that day, Since they were going to start the free practice, where Maria Clara got a pole position with great mastery, Akko was in second position, Evelyn Schwarz in third, Diana ended up having to leave from sixth position, since she had to rest because of the arm.

The couple Cavendish Kagari was getting ready for the race, Diana was already with the arm much better, so much so that she managed to carry Akko in her arms to the hotel room where the two stayed, after getting ready, the two go to the refectory of the hotel where Evelyn and Fey were somewhat angry and outraged with the HSP team.

- Hey Akko Kagari can come here a minute, you too Diana.

Says Fey calling for the two who sit in the next chair.

- Oh, hi Fey. Hi Evelyn.

Says Diana.

- You guys don't believe what HSP just did... The Victoria team would be interested in hiring me next year, because I won't be there anymore, you might even forget it, although they'll take me instead of that disgusting Wolff.

Says Fey a little mad.

- Well, I was very hesitant to do that... I spent three years trying to convince HSP to call my girlfriend to run on the same team as me and now they're replacing her like anybody else with that asshole Erika Wolff.

Says Evelyn face palming.

- Are you leaving HSP too Eve? Green Horse needs a racer to replace Marina Delacroix.

Says Fey.

- I will stay, but just because I want to show Wolff that I am better than her, let's see if she has all that nonsense to face me, HSP has a whole focus on me and to enter the Green Horse, would be to end my career, there is much more discrepancy than HSP, Marina Delacroix does not score right because everything is new and better goes to Maria Clara.

Says Evelyn.

- But it wasn't just to talk about Wolff that we came to talk to you... You know Eve, she got one no, but three magic green stones that can help lesbian witches have biological daughters, but we only want to have one daughter, don't you want to keep the other two? I know you guys are a lesbian couple like us.

Says Fey picking up a little box with the fertility stones.

- Oh thank you, but we've kind of produced a fertility stone, I'm glad you gave us a fertility stone, but Akko and I also only want one daughter.

Says Diana.

- Ah it's a shame, we kind of want to spread this wonder to more people, but I didn't know I had any other way to get it is quite interesting.

Says Fey.

- And we kind of don't try to spread it around, because we don't want to go out asking who is a lesbian, we keep the relationship so secret that few know about us.

Says Evelyn.

- Oh I see, I know... Megan Jordan, she's a lesbian, I know that because her girlfriend lives near my house.

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