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August 13, 2015, After two days with the memory recovered, that day Chariot had woken up early, she was in the bathroom cutting her own hair with scissors, now there was no reason to keep that long hair, which was already very tangled, after all Du Nord had not cut the same for 10 years, her hair was now short and with some bangs, identical when she was younger, after taking a bath and leaving the bathroom, she comes across Croix waiting for the toast to come out.

- Love! Look here!

Says Chariot.

Looking at Chariot, Croix is amazed and at the same time smiles with joy at Chariot, which was for Meridies as a return to old times, the Du Nord walks to her girlfriend and gives her a kiss, after the kiss they both face each other.

- What did you think, love?

Says Chariot.

- I loved, but now we can't even hide... At least not until the dust is down...

Says Croix worried.

- Luna Nova, it's pretty empty, let's just wait Rosemary, she told us we have to wait for her before I go out into the world.

Says Chariot.

- Some teachers are even complaining that janitor Ursula isn't working anymore; even that old hag Finellan is starting to want her expulsion just because you missed two days at work.

Says Croix.

- Those old teachers and witches, who will hunt down what to do and get another janitor, it's horrible to work as a janitor here, some students just abuse your patience, even more so the girls in the higher classes, besides some teachers barely respected me too, I never said that because I know how you are Croix...

Says Chariot hugging Croix.

- I would certainly go my love, I would make each one swallow what they did with you, but of course using my brain, just like when we were younger, those spoiled upper class rooms loved to diminish you, but what would happen if out of nowhere they took cold showers?

Says Croix laughing.

- I remember that, nobody found out until now that it was you, just me and Maddie!

Says Chariot laughing.

Time goes by, Chariot and Croix keep talking while they eat breakfast that day, it was toast with eggs and cheese pancakes, the Meridies was very good at cooking, as incredible as it sounds, while they were almost done eating someone knocked on the door, so Croix will see who is and was Rosemary.

- Rosemary Morris, we've been waiting.

Says Croix.

- Don't call me that, call me Agent Morris, I'm from the Witch Criminal Investigation.

Says Rosemary showing Croix her credentials.

- A WCI agent, what do you intend to do? Are you going to arrest us because apparently Chariot faked her death for 10 years?

Says Croix trying to block Rosemary's passage.

- I'm just here to avoid this Croix, let me in, all I need is to collect necessary information, unfortunately I have no way of preventing you from being questioned Chariot, it'sa very delicate thing when it comes to a witch who everyone thought was dead showing up alive after almost 11 years.

Says Rosemary in a tone of concern.

- All right, Agent Morris.

Says Croix. Passing Rosemary.

Rosemary enters Croix's room, she takes a crystal ball and a wand from her jacket and was clear that Morris was with a gun, so she puts the crystal ball on the table, while Chariot and Croix face Rosemary with a bit of tension.

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