Amanda first race at the EBRC

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17 January 2016, A time has passed since Finellan was fired, the teacher who stayed in place was Sophia Lockhart, recommended by Chloé's mothers, she was really good at teaching despite being only 24, while in Salzburg, Austria, comes the day of the first European Broom Racing Championship race, In qualifying Megan Jordan was the pole position, while Amanda was in fourth place, O'Neill was very surprised that the brooms were regular and slower than the racing that she used in BBRT, that event had the presence of some of Luna Nova's friends came to watch the debut race of O'Neill, which was talking with Hannah at the hotel.

- I'm still puzzled that I'm going to have to run with a normal broom, I thought I'd run with a better and faster broom, but what a bag.

Says Amanda.

- Ah love, not every broom racing event is with a super fast broom, but even so you managed to qualify in fourth place, love don't give up racing because brooms are not very fast.

Says Hannah.

- At least if I win this championship I'll get some money to create my big broom racing event.

Says Amanda.

- I'll be cheering for you today my love; if you win you'll get a little present all yours.

Says Hannah biting her lips.

- More sex, as always.

Says Amanda.

- But you like that and I know.

Says Hannah passing her hand on Amanda's thigh.

- That's right, you're just not gonna fool me into riding on you.

Says Amanda laughing.

- This time there is no unpleasant surprise for you Mandy, after this race we will make a lot of love.

Says Hannah smiling at Amanda.

Soon the two go down to the hotel cafeteria, where Akko and Diana were sitting together, Amanda and Hannah sit next to the Cavendish Kagari couple where they talk about the race.

- A race in the middle of the snow, it's gonna be pretty tough.

Says Diana.

- I'm still mad about the fact that they're regular brooms and not racing brooms, if I knew that I'd go back to the United States and try my luck there.

Says Amanda inflating her cheeks.

- But if you go back there, you won't be able to stay in Luna Nova anymore...

Says Hannah.

- I'm glad I thought about it a bit more, they may be regular brooms, but winning £200,000 for each win is something that caught my attention, who knows by 2020 I might be able to raise enough money to create this broom racing event that I want so badly to create.

Says Amanda.

- You've been saying that since 2014 Amanda, I hope you really can, if you think it's so amazing.

Says Akko.

- Better than competing to see who is the fastest, this type of race has plenty to spare, but as for the art, there are many cool moves that a broom can do, like the Drift competitions where what counts is the style, the disputes are still very fierce and unpredictable, each has his own car and can happen to break, as in my idea, where each goes with his broom, try to show how much more skillful in doing stunts.

Says Amanda.

- But Drift in brooms? Doesn't that exist? As far as I know, it even leaves brooms slow on the corners and there's already a broom Drift tournament.

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