A last pleasure moment

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A few hours later the magical world will know the great shock that Chariot Du Nord was alive all the time, by orders of Mila, any direct interview to Du Nord was forbidden, only in case Rosemary authorizes, Luna Nova that before was well empty, was full of reporters, journalists, even humans wanting to know more about Chariot Du Nord, luckily the two managed to enter because they were being escorted by Rosemary.

News in all the newspapers appeared on the front page many with a huge title "After 11 years Chariot Du Nord is back", "Chariot Du Nord is alive!", "How to cheat death? Learn from Chariot Du Nord", "Former WBRC racer Chariot Du Nord comes back to life", even on the WBRC Ownpipe channel made a video with the top10 highlights of Chariot Du Nord's career races after receiving the news.

At the Cavendish family residence, Diana, Akko and Laura were not a bit surprised, but on Daryl's side of the family the two are quite shocked by the news, which leaves McLaren a bit surprised was Rosemary's appearance.

- Now it all makes sense, that redheaded girl who was with the other racer, which was her!

Says Merrill.

- I imagine Chariot must be relieved that she can finally be herself.

Says Akko.

- I hope the teachers and Principal Holbrooke didn't get harsh on her.

Says Diana.

- I expect too my love, but hey what do you say we celebrate this Chariot return in style?

Says Akko speaking in Diana's ear.

- Hmm, that's a great idea, my love.

Says Diana biting her lips.

Akko and Diana go to their room, while Laura and Bernadette stare at each other and try not to laugh, when they get to the door, the Kagari tells the Cavendish to wait a bit, she soon gets anxious wanting to know what awaits her.

- (It seems that Akko finally decided to act, hardly waiting to see the surprise that awaits me, but I also noticed something strange about my mother Laura, as if she was a little more serious when she found out about the news of Chariot passing on television and arriving in Luna Nova, I think it was because of the presence of Mrs. Morris).

Akko opens the door and pulls Diana, who was still a little thoughtful, when entering was a huge pillow castle, Akko even made a drawing of Chariot using some sheets on one of the walls, it was really impressive the talent that Kagari had for art, Cavendish thought it would be something more intimate, but still ended up liking it.

- Akko, it's really impressive, you've made a Chariot of sheets, for someone who behaves like a child and it shows that you have quite a talent for art.

Says Diana.

- It took a lot of work, but nothing that a little magic won't solve, but before entering you need the password, otherwise access to Chariot Du Nord's temple will be denied.

Says Akko holding Diana.

- Cute cabbage.

Says Diana blushing.

- You can come in, my cute cabbage.

Says Akko smiling at Diana and giving her passage.

- You'll see that cute cabbage when an earthquake happens in your castle.

Says Diana licking her lips.

- An earthquake yeah?

Says Akko with a malicious smile.

Diana pulls Akko to the bed in the middle of the castle and starts kissing Kagari, but they still haven't done anything intimate just an exchange of affection, so much so that Akko had turned on the TV and they both started watching old animations, one of the things they most liked to do together was to look at the defects of those drawings and laugh at each other, while in another room Daryl was watching TV alone in the room and was also watching the news that Chariot was alive.

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