Chariot and Croix marriage

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August 29, 2015, after two weeks after the race at Whittlebury and the events regarding Lucy Watson, at the Cavendish family residence the girls were all getting ready for the wedding, Diana was putting on a suit until Akko holding the dress faces Cavendish.

- Love the dress doesn't want to close.

Says Akko inflating his cheeks.

- I think you ate too many pies yesterday, I told you to take lightly Akko.

Says Diana squeezing Akko's dress.

- Ouch! That hurt Diana!

Says Akko inflating his cheeks.

- Nobody asked to each that much.

Says Diana in a more serious tone.

- I was hungry.

Says Akko.

- You're always...

Says Diana until she is interrupted by some screams coming from another room.

In the other room which was Bernadette's room, Laura was getting a little angry at Bernadette's choice for her dress.

- This is a dress? But that dress is very... Love how am I gonna breathe in it? It won't fit in my breasts!

Says angry Laura.

- So put on a suit, we don't have all the time in the world Laura.

Says Bernadette in a more serious tone.

- You know just use magic and the dress will fit me, I won't wear a suit, my ass gets big wearing a suit.

Says Laura picking up the dress.

- Your ass is big my love.

Says Bernadette slapping Laura's ass.

- Ahh, you want to, don't you? Wait till later, you'll see the honeymoon of this wedding.

Says Laura biting her lips and changing.

- You look cute in a dress, my love. You remind me of our wedding in 1991.

Says Bernadette smiling at Laura.

- That day, I couldn't wait to take off my dress and breathe.

Says Laura using magic to fit the dress.

After the girls of the Cavendish family were all ready, they headed for the Croix residence that was very close to there, Laura was going to be the godmother of the wedding, the best man chosen was Chariot's father, Antoine Le Blanc, in the backyard of the new house of Chariot and Croix, they already had some of the guests, who were the Du Nord family, Madeleine Watson and her daughter Harriet, a few teachers from Luna Nova, plus a few other students who were colleagues of both in Luna Nova's time, Lorraine Windsor the former WBRC commentator who was still perplexed by Chariot's return and was not long before the Cavendish arrived, Laura, Bernadette, Akko, Diana and little Hellene in the arms of the McLaren.

- Laura! You've finally arrived! Chariot's waiting in her room, you're the only ones left to get the wedding started.

Says Adeleine with her arms crossed and her feet tapping.

- I have to help the bride, take care of our Hellene for me love, if she feels...

Says Laura delivering Hellene to Bernadette.

- I know love; you think I wasn't a mother before Hellene?

Says Bernadette smiling at Laura.

- Be careful, until soon, my love!

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