Chloé VS Akko

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22 September 2015, a day like any other in Luna Nova, the same old classes, Akko was like the smartest students in class, always focused on getting better grades and paying attention in class, Amanda after asking to leave could finally get more relaxed sitting with her feet on the table as usual, It was the magic etiquette class with teacher Finellan, who kept getting Kagari's attention and made Akko fail on purpose without anyone noticing, but Diana watched from afar and became suspicious.

- What was that, Miss Kagari? The whole class you made the mugs fall, you're already in second grade! That's the way to behave!

Says Finellan.

- But I don't know what's happening! I'm doing it right.

Says Akko.

- Learn right again, because you're not doing it right!

Says Finellan.

- It's you who's not doing it right! Akko's posture is very correct! Someone's getting in the way of Akko doing her spells.

Says Diana getting up.

- Miss Cavendish, how long will you defend your girlfriend's incompetence?

Says Finellan in a more serious tone

A silence takes over the whole room, which had never seen Diana being reprimanded before, this only happened in the classes of teacher Croix and teachers Roxanna and Anastazia, but it never happened with other teachers who always lived pulling Cavendish's bag because of her family's surname and fame, in that Diana gets a little angry.

- Or the lady's incompetence? Am I tired of seeing your free hatred for my girlfriend, just because Akko doesn't come from any family of witches, doesn't make her any less of a witch than anybody in that room, or are you going to tell me that they're all pureblooded born to two witches? Your mother may be a witch, but your father is not, unless you came from a fertility stone, then I can say you are pure blood witches, but none here should judge Akko for being a human who became a witch, she is as much a witch as we are and you only pick on Akko because of that Professor Finellan, she is almost as perfect when the best students here and gets good grades, you're just being a asshole! You've been rooting for her to get into trouble ever since she stepped in here, you just want Akko to go away, you old conservative asshole!

Says Diana knocking on her desk.

- Have some manners, Miss Cavendish! Get out from my room immediately!

Says Finellan.

- I'd be happy to.

Says Diana getting up and heading for the exit.

- I will not mark you out of kindness and admiration for your family name, but if you do that again you will be marked and your entire record will be tarnished.

Says Finellan staring Diana in the doorway.

- Old scum.

Whisper Diana.

- Diana...

Says Akko worried.

- Would you like to join your girlfriend Miss Kagari?

Says Finellan.

- No, I'm just worried...

Says Akko lowering her voice.

- Very well Miss Kagari now we go again, know that I will not tolerate any more of your mundane mistakes.

Says Finellan disgusted staring Akko.

- (What an idiot! Besides having my broom sabotaged, this old hag still makes a point of wanting to humiliate me and show her false superiority, one day her rottenness will be revealed, Finellan...)

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