Online Classes

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A few weeks have passed since Laura was finally recovered from certain death with the witch flu. In the world the witch flu pandemic took proportions of a global pandemic, where every continent had a high number of cases, which were already passing the 10 million mark. As for the deaths, there were more than 200,000 worldwide, of which more than 100,000 were witches alone, which greatly concerned their society.

Some restrictions the witches themselves made, since it was concluded that magic could further worsen the spread of the pandemic among them, such as avoiding to do any activity related to magic on the outside, as well as all magic schools had to start teaching online if they wanted to keep with the classes. The circulation of broomsticks itself was controlled so that the manifestation of magic was avoided and the infection continued, with the order that all witches stay at home.

Sporting events around the world were cancelled and this included until the World Broom Racing Championship, in which the Broom Racing Association had to postpone to July the first edition and the first race would be in Salem, in addition to a calendar decrease, which has never had so few races since 1766 when there were 15 races.

6th April 2020, the day was starting like any other in the Cavendish family residence, Akko and Diana wake up as usual one facing the other to start a day of work at home, Kagari is the first to wake up and soon gives a good morning kiss on his wife.

- Good morning my cute cabbage.

Says Akko kissing Diana while she woke up.

- Good morning Akko... Ahh... Another day filling out this director's paperwork.

Says Diana yawning.

- Sarah has offered herself more than once that she could handle all the paperwork, even more so that you are pregnant my love.

Says Akko.

- Oh I'm pregnant, I'm not without my hands, I can still work to help in the academy, besides I don't want to leave all the work to Sarah who already has a lot of things to do, if I'm in this position now I have to work as such.

Says Diana.

- Oh, that's right my love, do as you like, but don't force yourself so much, I don't want our little Mary to get bad because you don't rest right.

Says Akko as Diana hugged her.

- Oh don't worry honey, now let's get dressed and eat a little, you soon have to teach the girls in your class.

Says Diana kissing Akko.

Then the couple Cavendish Kagari gets up and the two go to take a bath together, Diana was already with a very prominent belly since she was 5 months pregnant, what Akko did a lot was to clean in that region saying that she was bathing in both, while gluing her face there to feel the little Marianne who soon gave some kicks which made the Japanese woman melt with love for her daughter. After the bath the girls went to the kitchen where Laura and Bernadette were, besides little Hellene who was sitting waiting for the food and soon they were welcomed with a good day, while the food was arriving at the table. It was quite a lot, pancakes, maple syrup, eggs, bacon, bread, ham and cheese and coffee and chocolate that McLaren prepared for her daughter who was blowing the mug so as not to burn her tongue.

- So, girls, what are you doing today?

Says Laura.

- Today will be the first online class I will give to the girls of Luna Nova.

Says Akko.

- I'll just keep on working with the paperwork; I'll advance on what happens.

Says Diana.

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