Ness Broom Raceway part 2

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12 September 2015, Diana and Akko wake up in the morning staring at each other, Kagari gives a good morning french kiss to her girlfriend still naked because of last night and gets out of bed, get hit by a slap on the ass from the Cavendish who received a perverted smile from Akko.

- A morning slap huh?

Says Akko.

- Yes my love, have you noticed that you have a heart made of bites right in your hip?

Says Diana smiling at Akko.

- Diana... You are always the most mature one out of bed, but when it comes to sex, the girls mock me all the time because of your little bites.

Says Akko.

- So everyone knows who you belong to.

Says Diana blinking to Akko.

Akko enters the bathroom and begins to do her personal hygiene and soon Diana also enters there hugging Kagari from behind while she brushes her teeth, after her girlfriend spits the toothpaste, she gives Diana a French kiss and starts brushing her teeth, while Akko enters the shower and waits for Cavendish who does not delay to brush her teeth and soon enters to bathe with her girlfriend.

- These two days with you are being a wonder my love...

Says Diana while she was washing Akko's back.

- I don't feel any pressure to beat you to be honest, I'm having a lot of fun racing in this BBRT, whether you become a champion in this race or not, I don't care, but I have to say, you're the best racer I know my love...

Says Akko while Diana washed her back.

- You've matured quite a bit since the day I met you love... If I'm a champion or you win today's race, it doesn't matter, what matters most to me is the moment I'm living together with the love of my life...

Says Diana massaging Akko's hair.

- We think the same way, love... Your hands are so soft massaging my hair...

Says Akko.

- You should take more care of this hair Akko, it is so tangled, even being a straight hair, if you want I buy all the cosmetics to take better care, I do not want a relaxed girlfriend.

Says Diana while massaging shampoo into Akko's hair.

- Hey! And your cabbage hair is perfect?

Says Akko inflating his cheeks.

- Whether it's perfect or not I don't know, but its well taken care. Now it's my turn, my red-eyed babe.

Says Diana finishing shampooing Akko's hair and sitting on the stool, turning her back to Kagari.

- You're boring, but I hate to admit you're right.

Says Akko rubbing Diana's back.

- I always want the best for my brunette.

Says Diana while Akko rubs her back.

- Diana... If I say even if I win the BBRT, I'll run for another season. Would you think that was a good idea?

Says Akko as he finishes rubbing Diana's back and starts washing his girlfriend's hair.

- I imagine it's to help Croix, if it's an idea that's with the intention of helping someone, it will always be a good idea my love, what matters in BBRT is to get the necessary score for the super license, I honestly don't know if I'll go to EBRC, because if I'm champion and some team can calls me this year I'll already test for WBRC, EBRC uses common brooms and it doesn't make so much difference if I win or not, it will only put me in some better team, but not on top.

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