2019 Irish GP

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A few days after Diana and Sarah took over as director, another race weekend arrives, this time the eleventh race of the year, showing that the championship was in the final straight, until then the first 5 racers were with only 17 points separating them.

August 18, 2019, as usual in every Irish GP, Akko and Diana were staying at the McLaren family residence, the Cavendish Kagari couple as always have that moment together when they kiss good morning after the night of love they had and go to the bathroom to take a shower and get ready for the race.

Meanwhile in the kitchen, Holly was going to prepare food for little Saphire and Isabel, in which the youngest McLaren enters the place, she comes across Chelsea and Saori catching up, and Kagari was sitting on the counter while the oldest McLaren kissed her intensely, in which the young woman is stunned and loses strength with her hands leaving the spoon she was holding fall in the ground.

- Mom! You're not ashamed, are you?

Says Holly as Saori and Chelsea stopped kissing.

- Saori is my girlfriend, whether you like it or not Holly, we have been together for almost 1 year and you still do not accept it.

Says Chelsea.

- I already said it and I will keep saying it! I don't want you to end up leaving home... I don't know what I would do if I were alone.

Says Holly.

- Holly! You're already 20 years old girl! What your mom Laura would think if you keep acting like a mommy's baby, so until I announce I'm moving out.

Says Chelsea while Holly was even more stunned.

- What?

Says Holly getting a little angry until Laura listening to the discussion enters the kitchen.

- Holly! Fuck! I can hear you complaining to your mother from across the room.

Says Laura in a more serious tone.

- Mother... Are you going to let Mother Chelsea go like this?

Says Holly starting to cry.

- Holly, your mother is right, you are no longer a child and another, Chelsea and I can come here when we want, if you want to see your mother Chelsea is just to call her, we can visit the other all the time, it's not as if she is going to another country.

Says Laura.

- Laura, I'm going to live in Scotland.

Says Chelsea.

- Scotland is next door, you understand what I mean. And Holly, mature, you already have 2 daughters and more that are to come, even more that now is the leader of the McLaren family.

Says Laura.

- I will try... But it's hard... As much as Mother Chelsea disappointed me last year... I still really like my mom's presence around... I've always grown up with you two helping me and giving me affection.

Says Holly crying.

- And you won't run out of affection. As I said, we can visit you and out you have your wonderful wife.

Says Laura hugging Holly.

After that moment between Holly and her mothers. Diana and Akko appeared in the kitchen and were even surprised to see that the McLaren family was united, even if they did not know why they were like that, while they were getting food, the Cavendish Kagari couple went to ask the three about what they were discussing and Saori explains that it was because Holly was still having trouble accepting that Chelsea will move to the Cavendish family residence.

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