The fake Chariot

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- What are you gonna do? Run and try to hit us.

Says Croix in a sarcastic tone.

- I don't need to. All I'm gonna do is actually help you guys. I know what you need is to get it over with.

Says the fake Chariot.

- And why should we trust you?

Says Croix with his arms crossed.

- You're right, Croix Meridies.

Says the fake Chariot.

- Hey she doesn't seem reliable Croix, that's just a manifestation of this forbidden zone, whatever it is don't listen to her, she'll want you to...

Says Rosemary before the fake Chariot interrupts by casting a spell.

- I'm sorry, but don't believe this bitch, her daughter locked me in this place.

Says the fake Chariot with a malicious smile.

On the outside Rosemary was tense, while the others looked at her with some concern, even if she still had their image, the girls didn't know what had happened.

- What happened, Mom?

Says Phoebe worried.

- We can no longer communicate with them... All we have left is to watch and hope that everything goes well.

Says Rosemary looking down.

- Fuck!

Says Phoebe.

- Hey, let's stop being negative and cheer for them then!

Says Laura.

Back in Chariot's mind, the two take their first step into the forbidden zone and soon notice that he had a slight tremor, as well as the corridor was spinning, so Croix and Chariot wear special glasses that they created, so they could see that corridor without the illusions created by the fake Chariot.

- It looks like the dream room helped you get ready for it, but you're not going back there anymore!

Says the fake Chariot pulling a lever that locked the door that separated the two sectors.

- I knew I couldn't trust you.

Says Croix.

The fake Chariot casts a spell towards Croix and Chariot, only they both deflect and shoot with the weapons they were using, a ball comes out of the weapons, the fake Chariot dodges it, but the ball soon turns out to be a net and just doesn't pick it up, so it faces the two girls while she were standing up with a sarcastic and even malicious look.

- You guys gonna take me on using those little guns? You think a net's gonna stop me?

Says the fake chariot until Croix switches to a machine gun.

- No, but it'll slow you down, you bastard.

Says Croix aiming with the machine gun and starting firing.

The machine gun didn't shoot real bullets, but things that looked more like gum that could be pretty sticky, that made the fake Chariot run and it enters the nearest door since some of the shots had picked it up, Chariot faces Croix with some concern, while Meridies looked pretty confident.

- Now that Rosemary can't communicate with us... How are we gonna figure out what to do?

Says Chariot worried.

- It's not like we're totally rely on Rosemary Morris, I haven't spent this whole year without at least looking at some books or studying how memories work, now let's go! All we need to do is get to the end of this hall!

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