Appleton Luna Nova prom

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4th October 2014 is the day of the Appleton Luna Nova prom, in the lilac team room the girls are changing clothes to the prom.

- Ave you're gorgeous.

Says Mary.

- Oh, Thank you Mary.

Says Avery.

- By that way Sarah couldn't resist you.

Says Blair.

- I hope so, I'm trying to be the most gorgeous as possible to her, and you girls are pretty too.

Says Avery before someone knocks on the door.

- It must be Sarah.

Says Blair.

Avery goes to the door and when she opens is really Sarah that receives her with a hug.

- Avery!

Says Sarah.

- Oh Sarah. You're so gorgeous.

Says Avery blushed.

- Thank you Ave, I can say the same to you and even more.

Says Sarah smiling to Avery.

- Let's take a walk Sarah.

Says Avery giving her hand to Sarah.

Sarah and Avery go take a walk while a bunch minutes later Blair and Mary goes to Constanze basement where they are just waiting for the two come, so they practice for a last time until the hour of the prom, then the hour finally come and the girls go prepare the stage for the band play while in the Appleton academy two boys a dark brown wavy hair named Andrew and a blonde with a forelock named Frank are talking to each other about the prom.

- This prom is unnecessary; we could learn more about being a gentleman going into a normal prom there's no need to go in a witch academy.

Says Andrew.

- Well you see as an unnecessary and I see as an opportunity to get a girl.

Says Frank.

- But they're witches and who knows what they could do for you, especially when you're came from a noble family.

Says Andrew.

- You're just way too afraid about that, girls are girls no matter their origin, this is one of the first things we learn in Appleton that is to don't judge the others by the origin and respect the women.

Says Frank.

- Yeah, but at the same time do you know that most of our Academy has a thing against witches.

Says Andrew.

- This was on the past we're on the present now Andrew, come on, open your mind is our last year in Appleton and you didn't even get a girlfriend, the only girl that you talks is the Cavendish that is even cold toward you and she knows you more longer than any other person, so that could be your opportunity to finally...

Says Frank before Andrew interrupts him.

- Frank, Diana is lesbian and you know that I don't like her, the only person that likes her is my dad cause if I marry with her we could raise our family reputation for being more open minded towards witches.

Says Andrew.

- Well the Cavendish is using the old trick of calling herself a lesbian to keep the boys far from her so she could choose who she is going to date and well if your father supports that is your opportunity man.

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