Giving Hannah what she deserves

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4th September 2014, it was 4AM and Croix entered in the red team room, picks Akko and then put her in the floor outside the room waking her with a water spell.

- Good morning!

Says Croix laughing.

- What the real... Is still night outside!

Says Akko waking up angry.

- Oh looks like someone didn't know that a good professional broom racer need to wake up early to train.

Says Croix.

- But why so early?

Says Akko.

- Well I'm not going to repeat, now come with me.

Says Croix helping Akko to stand up.

Then Akko goes to Croix room and she is feeling a good smell.

- So you woke me up early to prepare a good breakfast?

Says Akko.

- Oh you're so innocent, you're gonna eat this bread first and then you're gonna try to pick the flag again with the heavy broom, while I'm preparing a pasta.

Says Croix.

- But is too dark outside and how did you gonna cook a pasta while you're trying to prevent me from pick the flag?

Says Akko.

- Well you're gonna try to capture from her.

Says Croix pointing to a student sleeping then she uses a water spell.

- What? Who wake me up?

Says the student waking up confused.

- Well Blair Carlucci, I'm sorry for waking you so early.

Says Croix.

- Professor Croix? The new student?

Says Blair confused.

- You will try to prevent Akko from picking this flag using this broom.

Says Croix pointing to her broom.

- But why? And why I'm here?

Says Blair.

- Well I'm really sorry Blair, but if you prevent Akko to pick the flag I'm gonna give you a tasteful pasta and a extra point in my discipline.

Says Croix.

- So I just need to prevent the new student from picking the flag for me? Okay I'm in with that.

Says Blair yawning.

- And Another thing? Don't tell to anyone what happened here okay?

Says Croix.

- Okay Professor Croix.

Says Blair eating bread.

- (That's gonna be a piece of cake, is just a student, I'm gonna to pick the flag so fast that Professor Croix will think that I didn't even go out).

Then Akko and Blair go outside with their brooms, Akko was very wrong of what she affirmed, Blair is very good controlling the broom and with the help of the Croix broom, she is dodging easily Akko, even Blair is surprised to see how the broom is so light and very controllable, while Akko is still struggling with the heavy broom that was still harder to control and to keep going fast, after 30 minutes has passed Akko didn't pick the flag and Croix goes to the window.

- Time's over!

Says Croix.

- Gosh! I can't even pick this flag! You're cheating Professor Croix!

Broom Racers ENDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora