Travel to Japan

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28th November 2014 almost 3 months has passed since the day Akko has entered in Luna Nova, she isn't the same witch she was before, Akko is at the same level the top students are, a small fall break starts until classes came back at in 8th December 2014, Akko are talking with Lotte and Sucy where she was going to spend this break while Diana was hearing her from a distance and is strange because Akko is a little serious and sad.

- Hey Akko where do you gonna spend this week?

Says Sucy curious.

- I'm going to Japan, I want to meet my mother since the day I came to Luna Nova.

Says Akko.

- Did you say that to Diana?

Says Sucy.

- (I will say something even worse to her... I hope she could understand...)

- Oh fuck! I forgot and my mother buys the ticket for tomorrow at the 5AM.

Says Akko.

Staring to them Diana goes back to her room running and picks her phone sending a message to Bernadette.

[Diana to "Mommy Bernadette": Mom I know this is so suddenly, but could you buy a ticket for me travel to Tokyo tomorrow at 5AM?]

[Bernadette to "My baby": Let me guess? You're going to pass this week with Akko in Japan and this is why you want a ticket, okay mom buys to you, but will be on the economy class].

[Diana to "Mommy Bernadette": Oh thank you so much mom! Akko will be very surprised to know I'm going with her].

Then Diana starts to packs her clothes very thrilled to travel with the love of her live while Akko is walking in the corridors with Lotte and Sucy until they stops at the stairs.

- I'm going to Diana's room girls; I need at least to have a last moment with her here before I go to Japan.

Says Akko.

- You're saying like you're leaving us forever.

Says Sucy.

- I really don't know Sucy... If I want to be a professional broom racer and got a chance there this could be my last day here.

Says Akko a little serious.

- (This is really my last day here... If I got a contract with the help of Keiko's family I could be finally a professional broom racer... I don't want to have an goodbye party or any stuff about that... I just want to leave without any shock, I'm sorry Diana... You're the only one to know about that)

Then Akko goes walking through the corridors and she is holding to cry, until she came to the blue team door and was a little afraid to knock.

- (Why... I love Diana so much... But... I need to at least say a goodbye to her...)

Akko knocks the door and Hannah was the one to open to the Kagari and she's a little worried.

- Akko? Something happened?

Says Hannah.

- I need to talk with Diana...

Says Akko after taking a deep breath and walking into the room.

Akko enters into Diana's private room and she's loading her bags to a travel, The Kagari used a spell to isolate the sound and take a deep breath while she's crying.


Says Diana while packing her bags.

- Diana... I need to say... This is my last day here... I'm going to stay in Japan until my career into the WBRC starts, I'm sorry Diana... But we need to end this relationship... Is better for me to say quickly... Until you miss me... I don't want to make you still alone all these years while I'm...

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