Charlotte Meridies Du Nord

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A few weeks have passed since Diana and Akkogot married. Marianne Kagari Cavendish gave the first signs and soon it is revealed who was the girl's mother, who was Diana after showing nausea some day in December, which left everyone surprised to know. At Christmas it was another novelty with Holly's pregnancy again, this time the third daughter of the couple, who was called Moira, the same was 1 month older than the daughter of the Cavendish Kagari couple.

In Luna Nova, Diana was doing an excellent administration of the academy next to Sarah, this time they implemented an old system that used to be used until 1999, where the age that begins the complex study of magic is 16 years, but with a difference, because the classes are in the British system where it begins in September and ends in June. The two decided to place students who were born in July until June of the following year in the same grade, so all students would be the same age throughout the year and would finish school at 18 years of age. The academy was much fuller than usual and it had to go through some renovations to receive this increase of students, with the creation of some more dormitories, besides opening some of higher class, thus creating 4 different classes of teams, low, intermediate, high and deluxe, that the only difference is the cost of the tuition and the standard of the dormitories.

Luna Nova also had a good record in savings to the point of implementing the most advanced class of studies, which consisted of 3 years of the most advanced and complex magic studies. The minimum requirement to be able to enter is to do non-verbal spells without a wand, to go through an obstacle course and on top of that, to know at least 10 different languages, 5 writings and to have a vast magical knowledge by taking a theoretical test where the minimum required score is 800, very few students manage to pass this test, the minimum age to take the test is 15 years old (but it can make an exception for witches who turn 15 that year). Some teachers also came to give these more complex classes that were separated into 6 specific subjects, with more practical than theoretical classes. Akko was one of the chosen teachers, the same besides being the basic magic teacher in the years of magic learning; she is also the broomstick teacher in the more complex classes, which raised the standard of the witches who graduate in Luna Nova much more.

The year 2020 begins with big news with a new decade, especially in the WBRC which had a great promise to increase to 18 races in the year, Emma was on the Victoria team and the tests with the team seemed very promising.

The witch flu was something that was beginning to have a little more concern in the world, deaths were already happening, even humans were being affected, it was a real epidemic spread throughout the country, but the Chinese continued to travel the world, even some infected, to the point of appearing the first cases outside China, even more because it was a rather asymptomatic flu in the beginning.

February 1st, 2020, was a day like any other at Du Nord Meridies family residence, Sarah and Violet who were about to turn 4 were at the daycare, while Chariot took care of his wife that morning, before going to work, the two talked in a very relaxed way about the twins and also about the one to come.

- Today is Sarah and Violet's first day at the school; I just hope the teacher understands that our daughter is mute.

Says Croix.

- Stay calm my love, they will know how to take care of themselves, Violet will also be with her all the time, helping her.

Says Chariot.

- And soon, Charlotte will give the faces... Marianne might show up in December, ah I can't wait to see the two of them being very friendly.

Says Croix while Chariot was looking a little more would be to the floor, realizing that the Meridies was dripping.

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