Second year at Luna Nova

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September 1, 2015, Akko's second year in Luna Nova is starting, Kagari was together with her team at the beginning of the school year ceremony, she kept gossiping with Sucy and Lotte about the days she spent on summer vacation until she was reprimanded by Diana, she became a little more quiet, a few minutes later Principal Holbrooke appears and turns on the microphone.

- Students and teachers! We are here in another year in Luna Nova, some students will start the magic teaching, some students who came from outside, others transferred, this year we will have some changes, teacher Croix of magic technology, unfortunately she left, but we have two replacements, welcome teachers Roxanna and Anastazia, you will have two teachers at the same time on the class, one that will help who is more doubtful and another that will explain the discipline to you.

Says Principal Holbrooke.

All the students speak together welcoming the teachers and students, Constanze faced the two teachers very familiar, after all the two were her mothers, Amanda and Jasminka even noticed the resemblance, so the two teachers go to the microphones.

- I'm teacher Roxanna Albrechtberger, but you can just call me teacher Roxanna or any other name and surname you come up with, just don't be offensive and second and third grade students, we're not going to change much about what Croix has passed on to you, our way of teaching is very different and very intuitive for you young people.

Says Roxanna in a very lively way.

- And I am Professor Anastazia Braunschbank Wozniak, but you don't need to speak my full name, just like my wife said, we will do our best to help you learn more about the wonderful world of technological magic.

Says Anastazia pointing to Roxanna.

- Now that we have introduced the two new teachers, it is time to introduce the new students and our new future witches.

Says Principal Holbrooke.

The Principal keeps calling out the names of the new students, two students draw the girls' attention, the third-year student transferred from the Paris academy of witches, called Chloé Depailler, who faced Diana with disgust and a new student who was very familiar between Diana, Amanda and Akko, the Brazilian Emma Bianchi who entered the first year and took Blair Carlucci's place on the lilac team, she had graduated last semester, after the ceremony was over, they were all free, O'Neill goes to Akko who was walking to her room and rests on Kagari putting her arm over her friend's shoulder as usual.

- Hey Akko, what do you say we have a little party, just to say that the year has started and also to make friends with Emma, it would be nice to talk to someone else who likes broom racing.

Says Amanda.

- Not a bad idea, Amanda, but where are we having this party and with what food?

Says Akko.

- Will it be in the basement of Cons and the food would you mind going shopping in town? I'll pay you later, you have my word.

Says Amanda.

- I'll pay you later, it won't stick anymore, won't it be easier for you to talk, go buy? I'm going into town with Lotte and Sucy.

Says Akko while Diana listened to them both.

- Where are you going?

Says Diana raising her eyebrow.

- For the city love, it'll be quick.

Says Akko.

- I'm going with you, I'm just sending a message to Hannah and Barbara to invite the girls from the lilac team and Sarah from the yellow team.

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