They're in heavy trouble

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Half an hour had passed since Chloé arrived at the principal room, all the audios of the conversations had been heard, so teacher Anastazia closes the notebook and gives the flash drive to Sarah while Holbrooke faces Chloé and Finellan who were on her knees begging.

- Satisfied? Sit down! Did you see what you did? Do you know how serious the situation is?

Says Holbrooke.

- All I did was for the sake of not tarnishing the witches' names, understand my side Holbrooke, imagine if a mundane like her reaches the top, the reputation of all witches will go down the drain.

Says Finellan.

- You know what goes down? Your contract as a teacher in Luna Nova, I can't believe what you did. Forty-eight years as a teacher here, you were the first non-British/Irish woman to become a teacher in Luna Nova, being a foreigner I expected an open mind, but I see you have the thought that it will really destroy the witches' reputation.

Says Holbrooke

- You naive as ever Holbrooke, defending this mundane scum of Luna Nova, what has she ever done for Luna Nova? What good will this mundane scum will do for the future of witches? I don't regret a bit of what I've done, I'll defend my ideals one day when this stupid academy goes bankrupt don't say I didn't warn you.

Says Finellan determined.

- The ones you call mundane are the future of witches; none here is a purebred witch.

Holbrooke says until Chloé and Diana raise their hands.

- You see? We have two purebred witches between us.

Says Finellan.

- But before you use that as an argument, know that purebred witches come from a lesbian couple, whom you've always been repulsed by.

Says Diana.

- Excellent to have mentioned that you have mothers Miss Cavendish, because I just remembered that I will call Miss Depailler's mothers to tell them about what their daughter did.

Says Holbrooke.

- What about me?

Says Finellan.

- Consider being kicked out from Luna Nova, get your things and pack, wouldn't you like to give Miss Depailler a home? Now use that same house to support yourself. What you did was unforgivable, you sabotaged the broom of a team that represented Luna Nova in a competition, you paid a student to assault another student just because of your prejudice and on top of that, you paid that same student again to cause one of the greatest destruction ever seen in Luna Nova, do you consider that an attitude of a lady of etiquette?

Says Holbrooke.

- Oh, so much for the same girl? I'm going to get fired from a job I've always done well for these forty-eight years and you're not going to kick this girl out or anything?

Says Finellan.

- What I'm going to do or not do with my dirty student is not your business Anne Finellan, now get out of my room and pack your things.

Says Holbrooke pointing to the exit.

- You'll regret this.

Says Finellan leaving the principal room with grief.

Finellan leaves the principal and some students look confused and at the same time act as if the Belgian is still going to be Luna Nova's teacher, while back on the principal room there was a silence until Holbrooke picks up the phone and starts calling someone.

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