The innocent being humiliated

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- What's that?

Says Holbrooke.

- Chloé Depailler has a habit of talking alone every time, so I used to take advantage of every time she didn't attend Anne Finellan's classes to collect some information and that's when I found out little by little what she was doing, but I still needed more concrete proof and that came yesterday like a glove.

Says Sarah while Finellan was swallowing dry.

- What do you mean Miss Depailler doesn't show up for Miss Finellan's class? She's keeping track of her classes and taking high grades. Do you have an explanation for that, Finellan?

Says Holbrooke staring Finellan that was quiet.

- I, uh... Eh... Uh... I, uh... I just, uh... I was taking so many classes I didn't even notice Miss Depailler's absence from class.

Says Finellan nervous.

- Are you okay, Finellan? You're nervous, you're tense.

Says Holbrooke.

- That has nothing to do with the mess Miss Kagari is in...

Says Finellan until Diana interrupts her.

- Doing? What? Are you afraid the truth will come down on you Anne Finellan? You know you have a huge connection to it and you can barely hide it, so you're even tense, I know how much you hate Akko for being such a mundane person, so much so that you're setting her up, using someone else to frame her and thereby causing her to be expelled.

Says Diana with her arms crossed.

- This person is my team mate, Chloé Depailler, just listen to everything she has to say.

Says Sarah complementing Diana.

- You two know you're making a serious accusation? Accusing a teacher is a serious foul, unless you're right, but why would a teacher who's been here for 48 years do something like that?

Says Holbrooke.

- Listen and find out principal Holbrooke.

Says Sarah.

Anastazia put the first audio file to play where Chloé said that he was thanking teacher Finellan for giving that room to her, for blowing up Akko?s face, it wasn?t a very long audio, so soon it was over, Then the teacher goes to the next one that was a little longer with 5 minutes where Depailler was speaking alone with "Diana" where clearly you could notice that it was the voice of the French as a second voice, while in the red team room, Akko was waiting for Amanda's message until she heard some students coughing.

[Amanda to "Akko": We throw a smoke grenade, you can come out Akko, come to our room we'll signal with my wand]

Akko and her friends leave the red team room where one of the students noticed Kagari's presence.

- She's here! Atsuko Kagari is here!

Says Rita before she was hit by a Sucy spell.

A crowd of girls goes as far as Rita's voice goes, where Kagari and her friends try to divert and run towards the trio that manages to get close to the green team room where Amanda closes the door and locks with magic.

- Thanks Amanda!

Says Akko hugging Amanda.

- Let go of me, Akko! Stop being so sticky, leave those hugs to your girlfriend.

Says Amanda pushing Akko.

Amanda points to the basement slide where the three girls go down to the green team's basement where Keiko, Constanze and the girls from the lilac team who were cleaning themselves sitting in the freezing puffs.

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