A hope for the future of the witches part 1

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The years have passed since Scotland became independent and many things have happened in that time, things that have changed the world of witches drastically, even more so regarding the way humans see them. The Separation of Scotland and the unification of Ireland started a movement in favor of witches in certain parts of the world, just as these same countries became practically the paradise for families of witches to move.

The Blackwells even managed to apply the restrictive laws in England, following the trend of other countries that had also done the same thing, which made life hell for the families of witches who lived in those places, even more so that it also had a huge complication in making possible the emigration of witches from countries with restrictions.

What seemed to be a promising government after the Blackwells saved the world from the witch flu, was even being, but at the same time popularity decreased a lot with these restrictions regarding the witches, since some movements were in favor of it, which was already starting to be a problem for them, but they argued that it was for a good cause, since the money earned from the departments created was for the benefit of the people.

In countries where witches were tolerated, a huge breakthrough was being made, just as they did not fail to support witches and even put some to help with the most important issues. Some countries in South America that supported witches like Brazil, Chile and Uruguay were constantly growing and becoming better places to live, as the help of witches could accelerate everything that humans were having difficulty.

This divided the world in a way between countries that support witches and countries that do not support witches, which could seem quite promising, was just something that messed with the magic in the world, since the number of people I believed in was going down, as well as the number of people who started hating witches was going up.

In this world divided the conflicts between witches from countries with restrictions and from normal countries was also evident, since one side did not tolerate the other and this was affecting the magic in a way that could even put it down. It was already evident that in countries where restrictions were applied, witches could only use magic near a sorceress stone. China was the most extreme case, where magic was even forbidden, which a huge shock was coming from an extremely populous country.

In those years in the WBRC the popularity gave a slight fall even more than in countries where the magic was restricted the Broom Racing Association decided not to put stages there, which was a big loss for the witches about the England GP. The champions of those years were Megan Jordan in 2022 and 2024, Emma Bianchi in 2021 and Julia Villeneuve in 2023, and the Canadian had to stay out of the seasons of 2024 and 2025 because of her pregnancy.

Some births happened at that time too, regarding the girls of Luna Nova and the runners, and the fertility stone was even well spoken among the witches, some were even curious to know how to make one.

2021: Sophie Wong Bernhardt on 6th April (Daughter of Sarah and Avery), Giulia Hanbridge Carlucci on 17th May (Daughter of Andrew and Blair), Nora McLaren on 10th June (4th daughter of Holly and Mary), Felicia Braunchbank Yamaguchi on 19th August (4th daughter of Keiko and Constanze).

2023: Aurora Carlucci Hanbridge on August 31 (daughter of Andrew and Blair).

2024: Natasha Bianchi Antonenko on January 12 (daughter of Jasminka and Emma), Jaqueline Villeneuve Marin on December 27 (daughter of Julia and Raphaella).

In Luna Nova, things continued the same, the academy was for a time a Scottish territory, until after a year after Scotland separated from the United Kingdom, the government of the country decided to give back the autonomy of the region and it can return to an administrative region without taxes, only this time recognizing the Scottish government. The academy's students who graduated at that time were at a much higher level of magic than before, as were the few students in the more advanced classes who were giving the faces.

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