The tapes

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Daryl was sitting in an armchair, she was pale, her mouth was half open, it was possible to notice that her cheeks were half wet due to drool, her eyes were half closed and in an opaque blue, she was not breathing, Bernadette runs to her sister and starts checking her wrist, while the others were shocked, especially Laura who was paler than usual and crying silently, until after a silence coming from Bernadette.

- Girls... Daryl... She... passed away...

Says Bernadette crying.

A silence took over Daryl's room, they were all crying, Laura was the one who seemed to be most in shock about Cavendish's death, Bernadette was crying resting on her lifeless sister's chest trying to see if she gave any vital signs from there, but even so it was clear that she had died, she had a medicine bottle with a powder spilled on the floor.

- What's that?

Says Maryl pointing to the bottle.

- Don't touch anything, I'll call the police.

Says Bernadette standing up.

When Bernadette raises the same note that there were four tapes, "To the police," "To Bernadette, Laura and Diana," "To Maryl and Merrill," "To Lucy Lucy Watson," The Cavendish still does not touch the tapes and decides to call the police, while the girls still shocked and crying at the sight of Daryl dead are ordered by Bernadette to wait in the room, they do not question Cavendish's order and go.

10 minutes have passed since Bernadette called the police, they arrive very quickly, they surround Daryl's room behind evidence, they take only the "To the police" tape and take it for analysis, as well as Daryl's body and that bottle which was confirmed to be potassium cyanide, so it was confirmed there that the cause of death was suicide, not needing to be further investigation.

After the policemen leave Bernadette takes the three remaining tapes, and goes to the room where the girls were distressed waiting for what will happen, Cavendish arrives and leaves the tapes on a coffee table.

- What happened honey?

Says Laura in a more serious tone.

- Daryl killed himself... As I imagined... Let's see what's on those tapes, but let's respect what's on them my love, Lucy Watson's tape we gave her, I just hope she's already been arrested.

Says Bernadette.

- I hope too my love... So far I haven't heard from Rose about her, I think she's even run away.

Says Laura.

Then Bernadette takes the tape "For Bernadette, Laura and Diana", she puts it in the VHS that she had taken from Daryl's room and starts playing, in it appears Daryl still alive sitting in the same armchair that had committed suicide, she was already with her eyes half opaque and a little melancholic while touching the camera.

- If you're watching this, I've probably already ended my life... Anyway, it looks like I gave Laura McLaren what you wanted most...

Says Daryl smiling in the shot until Laura pauses.

- I'm sorry... It's my fault... But I didn't want Daryl...

Says Laura crying until Maryl and Merrill interrupt her.

- Not Aunt Laura!

They say Maryl and Merrill.

- It's not your fault, our mother chose to do that!

Says Merrill.

- If even Daryl's daughters are saying that, it's not your fault that my sister has... Let's keep going, I want to see what she has to say.

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