The last group Karaoke

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7th November 2016 in Luna Nova, after school, the girls from the teams, blue, red, green, lilac and yellow, meet in the corridors where Avery had an idea, and soon draws the attention of all the teams.

- Hey, girls, let's go to karaoke.

Says Avery.

- Come on, but this time you're all going, right?

Says Diana with her arms crossed.

- Of course! I have nothing to do today.

Says Amanda.

- Me neither, so let's go.

Says Emma.

- With the same uniform?

Says Akko.

- Sure, let's not waste time here; it's been a while since we all went karaoke together.

Says Avery.

Then the girls from there go to the karaoke, where soon they are received by Lorraine Windsor and notice that there was a notice written "Last week discount", which leaves the girls very shocked, knowing that that was the last week of karaoke.

- Lorraine, what is that?

Says Diana curious.

- I'm retiring from karaoke, you're practically my only customers, but out of consideration, I'll let you stay here for free.

Says Lorraine.

- Really?

The girls say impressed.

- Yeah, it does all on the house today, enjoy it all you want.

Says Lorraine giving way to the girls.

Then the group of five teams and fifteen girls go to the karaoke booth, where O'Neill already takes the opportunity to order many pizzas for the girls, so soon Avery and Sarah are the first to sing they soon start by the most cliché singing "Careless whisper - George Michael", which makes the girls laugh a little at first.

- Oh, you're kidding.

Says Emma.

- Go Ave, send it girl!

Says Mary cheering the couple up.

- That's Cliché, but let's sees how the two are in tune.

Says Emma holding her laugh.

After Sarah and Avery's duet that ended with the couple kissing more than once, then Diana gets up and decides to sing, she chooses "Winds of Change - Scorpions" and when she starts whistling Emma gets emotional.

- Fuck! I miss so much the churrascos in Brazil, fuck you Diana, I'll start crying, I love this song, I remember the times when there were barbecues at home and my father loves this song!

Says Emma crying in emotion.

Diana starts singing and Bianchi starts to get emotional with Cavendish's voice that was well tuned which surprised everyone, after all Cavendish hasn't been to Karaoke since 2015 when Blair was still studying in Luna Nova, Akko looks at her wife with admiration, until she finishes singing without defying once and all the girls clap for the Scot.

- Fucking girl! What is that angelic fucking voice? You could easily be a singer.

Says Emma wiping her tears and getting up.

- Who would have thought that raw eggs really improved your voice, my love.

Says Akko still clapping.

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