Meeting the Du Nord

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1st November 2014, Chariot and Croix wake up next to each other, the Nord give a smile and a good morning kiss to the Meridies and then she stand up and pick a mug of coffee and a bread with butter to eat while Croix is yawning and standing up.

- Hey Chariot are you anxious to visit your family.

Says Croix yawning.

- I can't wait and I'm anxious to do that thing you said yesterday. From what I remember is sex what you called, I've searched for some videos on the internet and the one with two girls we...

Says Chariot before Croix interrupt putting her hand over Chariot's mouth.

- Please don't say that, I know what that sex is.

Says Croix blushed.

- Why that whole drama?

Says Chariot putting Croix hand out of her mouth.

- Is just way too embarrassing to say about this things.

Says Croix blushed.

- Hey Croix we love each other, like I learned this sex thing we usually do to demonstrate the love of each other and even to have a family, but since we are girls I don't know how we can be pregnant.

Says Chariot confused.

- Okay Chariot, maybe you're way too anxious to know about sex, but hey remember that we are witches and before your accident I still have something that I keep from 12 years ago.

Says Croix picking a small chest and when she opened the chest has two fertility stones.

- What is that?

Says Chariot confused.

- This is the fertility stone Chariot, let me explain for you, is a magic relic that could make for us to have a family, we did these two fertility stones 12 years ago when...

Says Croix.

- (I ask to marry you Chariot...)

- Woah! This is so awesome and amazing.

Says Chariot amazed.

Chariot and Croix eat their breakfast while smiling at each other and holding their hands, until they finally finished eating and change themselves to go in a travel to France, the Du Nord is really anxious and she can't wait to take off, while the Meridies is just smiling to her girlfriend, then Chariot disguise herself as Ursula, Croix send a message to Ellie Du Nord (Chariot's Mother) and they finally fly to their destination, while in the blue team room, Akko was sleeping in Diana's bed and she wake up a little scared staring to Diana that was sleeping.

- (Oh shit I was at Diana room? Wait! Now I remember, I declared myself to Diana and then we got here, oh this day is one of the happiest in my life... Wait! Did I have sex with Diana?)

When Akko leaves the bed she noticed that was wearing Diana's shirt that is a little big to her size and Diana's box underwear, but she remember that the clothes was given to her while she is taking a shower alone since both are still ashamed to take a bath together, then the Cavendish was moaning and she wakes up staring to Akko.

- (She is sexy using my shirt; it was one of my dreams to have a girlfriend wearing a shirt of mine, now is realized, well not the way I was thinking but still counting heh).

- Good morning Akko.

Says Diana smiling to Akko.

- Morning Diana.

Says Akko smiling to Diana.

- Hey my Iron Maiden shirt looks very cute on you, if you want is yours.

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