Scotland is independent

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The months were passing, the world was already changing in relation to the pandemic, most of the people were vaccinated, the fear of the witches' flu was passing, the activities everywhere were slowly returning to the way it was before, in some countries it didn't even seem that the pandemic was so normal that the situation was.

In the United Kingdom, elections for prime minister took place and this time the dispute was between Donald Blackwell and Paul Hanbridge. Which Louis' father won with great ease no matter how many of the witches tried to campaign for the other candidate, since Hanbridge was proving much more reliable for the witches' side, in which a brief dissatisfaction began to echo all over the world about the witches. Since they were suspicious that a Blackwell was now the prime minister of one of the places with the highest concentration of witches. Afraid of something that could happen like what is going on in countries like China, some Middle Eastern countries, Africa and Latin America, where restrictions were created for witches due to the pandemic.

Restrictive laws that were a suggestion Louis Blackwell had made after using some of his money to raise these same laws in these countries in an indirect and anonymous way, which was already generating some concern for the world of witches.

In the World Broom Racing Championship, Megan Jordan was the champion that season with 5 points over Emma Bianchi, who was only 1 point ahead of Julia Villeneuve. The 2020 season was one of the most disputed, as the top three were always fighting each other to see who won the races.

At the Cavendish family residence, little Marianne was 3 months old and a baby until she was very intelligent, she already showed that she was pampering with her grandmother Laura, proving to be the girl's favorite grandmother, McLaren felt all privileged to be the favorite grandmother, from time to time the Du Nord Meridies also visited and it was common for Charlotte and Marianne to face and smile at each other.

In Luna Nova, the winter recess had begun, classes had totally returned to normal, but with Blackwell in power, there was a certain fear in Sarah and Diana of putting restrictive laws into it and all that progress they made to improve the students and make them higher level witches, go in vain.

14th December 2020, three days have passed since the elections for prime minister of the United Kingdom, Diana and Akko were in Luna Nova, at a meeting that Cavendish decided to organize there together with other teachers to discuss the future of witches. With the exception of Avery who was unable to attend because of her pregnancy.

- So what is so important as to call all the teachers, Cavendish?

Says Roxanna.

- Do you know who is in power now?

Says Diana.

- Yes, Donald Blackwell, but what's so bad about it? You will tell me that you called all this meeting to talk only about Paul Hanbridge not winning just because our campaign was bad.

Says Roxanna.

- I'm not about to talk about our campaign, but the person in power in the UK is someone who can harm us witches in a very negative way.

Says Diana.

- Diana says that suspect them of being responsible for the witch flu pandemic, which makes a bit of sense, taking into account the past regarding the Blackwell family and all the anti-witch speeches they promoted years and years ago.

Says Akko while some hold the laugh.

- This is serious!

Says Diana knocking on the table, which makes everyone around her shut up.

- And what do you intend to do? Is it something connected with our academy being in an administrative region that is now part of Scotland?

Says Sarah curious.

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