Solving a old problem

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Chariot and Lucy appeared in a somewhat familiar place for the Du Nord, it was the forest of Arcturus, after more than a year, Chariot was back that place she hated so much. The two appear rolling down the ravine, after some time they finally stop rolling as they reach a flat place where Lucy was lying on the ground and Chariot sitting on top of her holding her by her tunic.

- You murderer! Do you have any idea what you've done? What Rosemary had to do with it? She didn't deserve to die!

Says Chariot possessed of rage while Lucy was still in shock.

- And you really think I'm happy to kill her? It was all so sudden, no one could have known about our fight!

Says Lucy with opaque eyes.

- Rosemary had a family! Rosemary was only doing what was right! Look at the proportion that what you did took! A WCI agent and matriarch of the Morris family died!

Says Chariot furious.

Lucy with her staff releases a spell in which she pushes Chariot back, the same was thrown a few meters against a tree, but uses a spell that managed to slow down from a possible throw on a pointed branch, while Lucy stood up and faced Chariot who landed on the ground softly flexing her knees, the two of them face each other seriously.

- Now with no one around, just you and me Chariot Du Nord, but only one of us will come out alive.

Says Lucy entering a fighting pose.

- This place... This is where I spent 10 long years of my life... Because of the damn accident you caused... I still don't understand why you didn't turn yourself in! Now you're not only going to jail for trying to kill me in the past, but for murdering Rosemary Morris!

Says Chariot looking around.

- Forget her! Let's settle this intrigue of ours once and for all!

Says Lucy getting angry.

- (I killed someone... And it wasn't at all satisfactory... I felt a huge weight... This horrible scene will stay in my mind... If I win here, I don't know if I'll be able to aim a gun at Laura McLaren's head and execute her... It's horrible... I don't know... )

- For all the people you've done wrong, I'll beat you here and now, you'll pay for all your Lucy Watson crimes!

Says Chariot clenching his fists.

Chariot takes the staff from his robe and aims upwards making a red aura emanate around his body, while Lucy takes a few steps back and begins to concentrate a spell on his staff, Chariot's aura from emanating the staff turns into two gloves that fit Du Nord's hand at the same time Watson casts a spell that is quickly dispelled when it reaches the palm of Chariot's glove.

- So you want to go out in the fists?

Says Lucy in defensive pose.

Chariot begins to walk slowly towards Lucy who is walking further and further back, she starts to fire spells that always end up dissipating when stopping in the palms of Du Nord, in which Watson begins to notice that it has no effect, she looks at the trees and casts a spell that makes the branches and roots move and go towards Chariot who begins to dodge or defend herself with her arms.

- (But what? I can't cast spells powerful enough and I can't even attack using the terrain to my advantage, so how am I going to beat it? Think Watson... I know, I'll distract her while I do that! )

Lucy, while continuing to use a spell that controlled more and more branches and roots to attack Chariot, she began to concentrate a spell by conjuring a cannon she made with a wand she had in her pocket, while Du Nord continued to defend herself against the trees Lucy sent her to attack.

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