An Charoix couple love travel

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Away from there in an inn in Bariloche, Argentina, after the race finished the couple Du Nord Meridies was lying in bed, it was a morning in that part of the world, the two were rooting for Akko, but they were until happy to see Diana get her first win. Croix and Chariot decided to travel a little earlier to do Charlotte after a very familiar spirit appeared in their backyard.

- That was quite a race, my love.

Says Croix.

- Yes... But I'm still puzzled by what Woodward told us, why do we have to do Charlotte first? What is going to happen in the world next year that it was necessary for us to advance the day that we will manufacture our daughter?

Says Chariot.

- I don't know my love... But it must be something very serious, we didn't even use the fertility stone, we just rested... What time do we use it?

Says Croix while grabbing a can of soda.

- Let's leave it for more at night, it has to be a special night, let's enjoy and take a walk, take Charlie for a walk before she is used, heh, we came here in autumn, but the good thing is that the city is not full and the landscape is beautiful.

Says Chariot standing up.

- It is a great idea my love.

Says Croix smiling at Chariot.

The two go into the shower and take a hot bath with some petals, as well as one washes the other's body, passing the hands gently on the back, Chariot even hugs his wife from behind and takes a bite on the shoulder of Croix that gives a slight chill.

- Chariot! The main course is not now.

Says Croix laughing.

- But the entrance I want, hehe.

Says Chariot as he gently brushes his tongue across Croix's shoulder and up his neck until Meridies turns his cheek and they both kiss.

The bath ends up overheating for the couple Du Nord Meridies, where the two stay for a long time, Croix starts to receive some Chariot fingering while the Italian was being completely dominated by the French who knew all the weak points of the wife, but even so the Meridies was enjoying to receive that extra affection from Du Nord, After a few minutes the two of them decide to take a bath at once since the water in the bathtub was starting to cool down, after a long bath the two of them get dressed and put on coats, going out with a necklace that had the fertility stone tied on it, the two of them even cover a little the fertility stone so that the girl wouldn't be cold, since even though it was still autumn it was very cold that day.

Chariot and Croix go walking hand in hand through the city and going to buy some chocolates, since the city was known for it, as well as passing in a restaurant where they admired the landscape of trees that were orange and brown.

- So much time has passed my love... It's been four years of our marriage... 5 that you appeared and now we are about to have our third daughter....

Says Croix.

- This time I hope that the fertility stone chooses you, you deserve a lot to carry this daughter of ours.

Says Chariot smiling to Croix.

- What puzzles me is what Woodward said about next year, I thought it would be just another normal year, where the girls' daughters will be born, so I learned that this year most of my students who are Akko's friends will already start using the fertility stone.

Says Croix.

- She said that the world of witches will go through a great crisis from next year on, which is strange, we are having an incredible high in witches and I have never seen so many witches appear even when we were racing with brooms.

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