Obstacle course

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16 September 2014 Akko wake up as usual at the 4AM, she goes to Croix room and was very surprised to see Constanze and Blair there.

- Cons you're here so early I'm surprised to see you.

Says Akko.

- Well Constanze has some nice things added to your training, you will see after trying to capture the flag and after the warm up.

Says Croix.

When Akko goes to capture the flag from Blair, isn't like two weeks ago and even Blair is struggling to outrun Akko, at least she could going a little faster in the straight but not dodging and seeing that Akko have a idea and then she manages to finally pick the flag after 23 minutes from Blair.

- I finally got it Professor Croix! See it!

Says Akko cheering.

- Well nice Akko, for the first time you captured the flag but now you will lower the time, now you catch in 23 minutes but let's see how much you did manage to catch until the broom relay.

Says Croix.

- So what now?

Says Akko.

- The warm up, push the monolith and then the training I and Constanze has prepared to you.

Says Croix.

After the warm up and pushing the monolith she could manages to handle the 50 laps and she could push the monolith for 120 centimeter, but she still a little tired.

- This still very hard to do Professor Croix.

Says Akko panting.

- Well now you would pass through a obstacle course made by me and Constanze you will do laps for about 30 minutes so we could measure how much laps you did in that time.

Says Croix.

- But that isn't going to be easy, you will do in the heavy broom and the obstacles will be moving.

Says Constanze stanbot.

- Well that didn't look so hard at all.

Says Akko picking the broom.

- That's because you didn't started yet.

Says Croix.

Akko starts to go through the obstacle course, but is really very complicated, not only the obstacles are harder to dodge and making she falls at the course, but Croix is casting some spells at Akko to complicate more and saying a lot of things "Don't you want to be a professional broom racer?", "Falling again?", "Go Akko", "Don't give up", after the 30 minutes has passed Akko could do some laps around and she is a bit tired.

- Why did you cast spells on me? That's very unfair.

Says Akko.

- Well I've never said that's gonna be easy.

Says Croix laughing.

- Well is better we be fast we have only an hour until the classes starts.

Says Constanze stanbot.

- Well before you girls go, are you free on the Saturday?

Says Blair.

- I think I am.

Says Akko while Constanze nodded.

- Well I'm going with the girls of my team to a Karaoke, if you want you could call the girls of you're the more is better.

Broom Racers ENDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora