Going to Ireland

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14th November 2014, Laura manages to change the Magic tunic into a fake tunic so Daryl ends up sending to Australia the wrong tunic, in Luna Nova, Akko is very good at the magic classes, walking down in the corridors Diana and Akko were talking about their plan for the weekend.

- So Akko how about we visit my cousin in Ireland? I can even know about my other Aunt.

Says Diana while she's passing through the lilac team room.

In the lilac team room Mary was lying on the bed reading a book and she hears Diana and Akko passing.

- (So they are going to Holly's house! I'm fucking in! I will chase them and then does a surprise visit to holly).

Since the time Holly visited Luna Nova, Mary talked a lot to her, now they are closer friends, the Brooks girls still didn't have the courage to say she liked Holly, but the McLaren girl is smart and she already knows what Mary is wanting.

- (She will be very surprised to know I will go there heh)

So Mary stands up and changes her clothes, the Brooks girl picks an overcoat and black glasses, then she leaves the lilac team room that has only her there since Avery was dating with Sarah and Blair with Andrew so she sneaks through the blue team room with magic and hears someone on the shower.

- (Oh that must be them taking a shower)

When Mary goes through the room she almost ends up meeting with Akko sitting on the couch, only Diana and her was there since Hannah and Barbara was both dating their girlfriends in their respective rooms.

- (They're girlfriends for two weeks and still so shy at each other? If I start to date Holly the first thing I will do when we are alone is to undress myself in front of her).

- Hey Diana, do you know where the residence of the McLaren family is?

Says Akko.

- Oh please send a message to my mother.

Says Diana.

Akko picks Diana's phone since the Cavendish didn't use password to block her phone and was her first time using her girlfriend phone so she tries to find Laura contact until she find "Mommy Laura", Akko holds the laugh a little to Diana didn't hear.

- (How cute mama's baby, I would love to see her whole conversation with her mom but if she catches me doing this I'm dead).

[Diana to "Mommy Laura": Hey Miss McLaren, Akko here, could you send the localization of the residence of your family?]

[Laura to "My baby": Oh sure Akko and tell to Diana that I love her, stay there for a while, me and Bernadette wants to tell something very special to Diana].

Laura sends the localization of the McLaren family residence, that is on Dublin, Ireland.

[Diana to "Mommy Laura": Okay Miss McLaren, thank you and I will tell to Diana for us waiting for you and Miss Cavendish, see you later].

- (Mommy Laura heh, I can't stop thinking about that, I will mock Diana so much to the point of she become a cabbage tomato).

Mary is anxious waiting to the girls then Akko goes to the kitchen of the room and this is the opportunity of the Brooks using her wand so she make Diana's phone appear on her hand and unlock the screen.

- (I need to be fast, at any moment Diana will leave the bathroom and Akko will come back to the couch, she's a little distracted so Akko won't going to notice).

Mary goes to Diana's last message and she's a little amazed to know that Diana is daughter of a McLaren witch, since she knows that Diana's mother is Bernadette, then she copy the location of the McLaren residence into her phone and uses her wand to brings back Diana's phone where was at the couch, Akko just noticed a glow emanating from the couch but she thinks that was the television, then Mary sneaks into Hannah particular room that is the closest door.

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