Christmas on Luna Nova

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24th December 2014, It was Christmas at Luna Nova there was a contest of the best room being decorated gives a week recess after the Christmas recess until 2nd January, the girls of the green, blue, red and Lilac team decides to do a Christmas party at the basement of Constanze in the green team room. Very far from there Lucy has find a tunic on the desert of Victoria in the day 17th, she sends a message to Daryl about the tunic, but is only ready after 9 months of setup and magic power given, then the Watson witch start to adjust, back to Luna Nova some girls are on Blightonbury buying some food and Christmas decoration for the basement, Akko, Diana, Lotte and Barbara are on the market searching for food.

- Hey what should we pick for food?

Says Diana.

- What about you Diana?

Says Akko.

- Akko! The girls are hearing us.

Says Diana blushed while the girls are laughing.

- Chill Diana, you're saying like the Barbara and Lotte didn't do sex.

Says Akko.

- Come on girls, let's buy turkey, pork and I could do some pasta with cheese, I'm the best doing that, I'm still not used to the cold Christmas here.

Says Barbara.

- Let me make your Christmas warm then.

Says Lotte hugging Barbara.

- Hey Lottie takes easy wait for the Christmas to have your gift.

Says Barbara blushed.

The four girls picks the food while on the other Christmas shop, Amanda, Hannah, Constanze, Sucy and Jasminka were picking decorations, the O'Neill girl are a little bored.

- Oh come on girls, why are we going to use this generic decorations that has in every Christmas house, don't tell me that you girls are going to wear sweaters and sing Christmas carol all the night, oh come on.

Says Amanda.

- Is a good tradition, don't complain Mandy, or I will make you wear a reindeer sweater.

Says Hannah with her finger over Amanda's mouth.

- Hey! You aren't crazy to make me wear this.

Says Amanda before Hannah casts a spell that switch Amanda jacket into a reindeer sweater.

- Hannah!

Says Amanda blushed.

- Awww, you're so cute with this reindeer.

Says Hannah touching the reindeer sweater nose.

- Hannah! Stop the girls are seeing.

Says Amanda blushed.

- So accept our generic decorations or I won't change your sweater.

Says Hannah.

- Boo, boring okay I agree of the decoration, I just thing for us do a more different decoration, using Constanze broken Mahoutendo 64 controllers and some of her stuff with Christmas decoration.

Says Amanda.

Constanze nods to Amanda agreeing with her and Hannah finds the idea of her girlfriend is great, then the girls buy a lot of decorations and after all they come back to the Blightonbury square, at the streets and shops there's a lot of Luna Nova students buying Christmas decorations to their room teams, since the winner team get a week free from go to clean the academy at the first week of the year is a tradition for cleaning the school in the first week of the year since 638 when Luna Nova was founded by the nine witches. They all go back to Luna Nova and starting to bring the stuff into the Constanze basement, the girls decorate using her broken controllers together with the Christmas decorations and after the decoration is done did by Constanze, Amanda, Jasminka, Hannah and the lilac team girls they all throw themselves into the ground relieved.

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