1987-1990 red team meeting

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August 11, 2015, after a few days that Hellene was born, Laura could already be discharged according to Bernadette and after much insistence from the McLaren, so she does not think twice about making her plan to bring Lucy Watson to the law, while she was in the kitchen filling some bottles with her milk Bernadette scolded her.

- Laura! That's not the kind of thing you do in the middle of the kitchen!

Says Bernadette a little angry.

- And what's wrong with that? I'm just filling bottles with my milk and I'm not even showing off my breasts, it's under my shirt.

Says Laura still squeezing her breasts.

- Laura... With a sweaty T-shirt? Hellene will drink more sweat than milk!

Says Bernadette with her hand in her face.

- It's just that I need to go out, you expect me to fill these bottles showing my breasts to everyone.

Says Laura until Bernadette pulls up her shirt.

- Now fill these bottles while I'm watching and you're not even totally topless you're with a bra, who would have thought that the fertility stone would choose the most unprepared mother in the world.

Says Bernadette with her hand in her face.

After filling at least three bottles, Laura puts on the T-shirt she was wearing, gives Bernadette a kiss, but before leaving with her broom the Cavendish scolds her again, while Diana and Akko had just arrived in the kitchen, the two give McLaren a "good morning" and the same reattribute, while Bernadette faced her.

- Where do you think you're going dressed like that?

Says Bernadette stepping her feet and with the arms crossed.

- Love I just go to Rose's house and then I go to Luna Nova, I don't go to any important and formal event.

Says Laura staring back.

- You'll only go if you wear more decent clothes.

Says Bernadette.

- You know, I was even missing this vain and half boring Bernadette that you were, I'm going to get changed and you don't have to give me a hard time, I'm going to show up here with a more decent outfit and brush my hair too, my boring girl.

Says Laura blinking to Bernadette and slapping her own ass.

Laura then went to her room to change, while Diana and Akko had a few laughs listening to the two of them, only leaving Cavendish half blushed when she heard her mother beating her own ass, McLaren was wearing a legging pants, slippers and a big white t-shirt that had a print written "Ireland" with a clover next to it which was the clothes she wore most for the day, Then she decides to put on Jeans, albeit with a bit of difficulty, a shirt and put a jacket on her waist since the tendency would be to cool down the night, on returning to the kitchen Bernadette authorizes her girlfriend to leave, Laura goes towards the residence of the Morris family, while Diana and Akko stares confused at Bernadette wanting to know what made her leave home so quickly.

- Strange, Mrs. McLaren wouldn't be leaving home in such a hurry and now she has another daughter that is newborn, I thought she'd want to stay here longer.

Says Akko.

- It's because Chariot's memory will finally be fixed, since she's going to Rosemary Morris' house, at least that's what I had concluded. Laura never told me so much about all this; it seems that the hole about Chariot's memory is deeper.

Says Bernadette.

- It must be because of the accident, Mother Laura must know who was responsible and she just wants to keep it a secret so nobody suspects anything.

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