Your Birthday

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Joseph Seed-

Your birthday is important to Joseph, it is a celebration of your life and how you came to be with him. He likes to keep things quiet and in the family when it came to your birthday, he wanted your day to be special. So he would organise dinner with the family, nothing loud or fancy, just you, him, John, Jacob and Faith. After dinner, when his siblings had all left, he would give you his gift. His gift wouldn't be overly expensive, even though the price was not important to him, but it would be something meaningful. Just something them meant something to you and to him. After the actual celebration he would just relax with you at home or do whatever you wanted to do, it's your day after all.

Jacob Seed-

Jacob wasn't really the type to have some sort of huge celebration, birthdays aren't any different. However he also wanted to make this day about you. If you wanted to celebrate your birthday he would give you your gift before taking you out for the day to do anything you wanted. He loved taking you hunting or fishing, somewhere you could be alone, where it was quiet. But if you wanted to do something else he would do it without argument. If you didn't really celebrate your birthday he would still get you a gift, because that's the least you deserve, then he would take the day off and spend the day inside with you. His gift for you would be personal as well as practical, like a Bowie knife with your name or 'only you' engraved on it. You wouldn't have to lift a finger all day, he would be extra affectionate because he knows that he can forget to sometimes. Basically, the whole day is about you.

John Seed-

If John had it his way your birthday would be a national holiday, for some reason he always went all out on your birthday whether you wanted him to or not. He would shower you with gifts, large and small, ranging from the books you wanted, to clothes that he knew would look good on you. If you had mentioned having even the smallest interest in an item while you were both out shopping, he would get it for you for your birthday. You wanted a damn car? Guess what is waiting outside when you wake up! He wouldn't throw you a party because he wants to spend this special day with you alone, he would take you for a fancy dinner and then spend the even at home with you.

Faith Seed-

Faith main focus was you on pretty much every day, so on your birthday she was even more focused on you. She wanted you all to her self on this day and you were completely okay with that. She isn't one for expensive gestures, but grand gestures she is open to. She would take you for a romantic picnic in a beautiful open field or right by the edge of a river or lake. Her gift would definitely be personal, nothing generic. It would be a bunch of handpicked flowers that you like, a homemade cake, flower crowns, anything like that. After the picnic you both would remain in the field or by the river until the sky went dark. Both of you lying on your backs and looking up at the stars, just spending the whole day together.


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