Dating Hurk Jr Would Include:

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Dating Hurk Jr Would Include:

He would be pretty nervous around you, especially when you flirt with him. You can make him blush so hard!

He is adorable when you make him flustered.

You could listen for hours as he talked about his monkey God and the monkey king. You will probably never understand what he is talking about but you are quite happy to listen.

He is a great listener but not so great at giving advice.

He talks a lot but you love him.

Kissing him to shut him up.

Being one of the very few people in Hurk's cult.

Being really good friends with Sharky and Adelaide. Hurk normally likes that you all get along so well, but gets embarrassed when you are all drinking together and telling stories about Hurk.

He will forgive you almost instantly, he can't say 'no' to you and he can't stay mad at you. You are the same with him though.

Him telling you all his stories, whether you believe them or not you have to admit that they are entertaining.

Random surprise hugs, lifting you off of your feet from behind.

He is probably one of the most supportive people ever. Super supportive boyfriend! Cheers you on no matter what you are doing.

He is just so proud to be able to say that he is dating you.

Driving around together just for the sake of it.

Blowing stuff's Hurk, of course you blow stuff up!


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