You Bring Home a Tiger Part 2

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Request: you bring home a tiger and it eats somebody but you just act like it didn't do anything.

Joseph Seed-

Joseph had accepted the tiger into your home, pretty much forgetting about it being a wild animal and treating it as a regular domestic cat. He had kept it away from his flock but occasionally you would go for a walk with the tiger. On one of your trips, one of members of Joseph's flock had been unnecessarily aggressive towards you, not noticing the tiger. That's when your tiger had walked out and attacked the man, killing him in the process. You had told Joseph with an innocent smile on your face and petting the tigers head, both of you looking as if nothing had happened. "What do you mean it ate somebody?" Joseph asked, not really able to process the information. You had to spend quite a lot of time defending the tiger, explaining that it was defending you. Eventually Joseph realise that it had acted for your safety and forgave the matter. Joseph did keep a closer eye on the tiger from that moment on, you just forgot about it all together.

Jacob Seed-

Jacob was so impressed and proud of your for being able to tame a tiger in the first place, he was never worried about the animal acting out. He trusted that you had it under control, he had grown fond of the tiger and the tiger had grown fond of him. You had been on a patrol with the tiger when one of Jacob's strongest soldier began acting out, making comments about you. You and the solider had gotten into an argument and your loyal companion wasn't going to take it, the tiger did warn the soldier but they paid no attention to it. That's what got the soldier killed. You went home afterwards and Jacob had already heard about the incident from one of his other men. Jacob would really care too much, sure he lost a good soldier but the soldier died because the tiger was stronger. It's natural and the way that things go, so he would let it slide. The tiger was stronger than Jacob's soldier, it shouldn't be punished for that. In fact, Jacob would probably reward the tiger.

John Seed-

John was hesitant to accept the tiger into your home and lives but eventually warmed up to the animal. The tiger and John actually started getting along, he wouldn't admit it but John liked to just sit with the tiger and pet it. However, he was still cautious around it, knowing what it was capable of and knowing that the tiger still preferred you. The tiger had attacked and killed somebody who had got aggressive and forceful with you, it probably saved you. By the time you got home, John was already standing in the doorway of the ranch with a furious look on his face. "It killed somebody? It was one of Joseph's children, how did you let this happen?" John asked, his terrible temper begging to get the better of him. You just shrugged him off at first, just wanting to get inside and get your tiger a treat. John followed you, keeping a safe distance from the tiger, now worried for his safety again. After some nagging from John, you explained that the tiger was defending you and saved your life, John was very quick to forgive the tiger after that. After all your safety was more important than anything, he would even insist on you taking the tiger out with you more often.

Faith Seed-

Faith fell in love with the tiger pretty quick, after you reassured her that it was perfectly safe. She would have the tiger near her as much a possible, she loved petting it, cuddling with it, and playing with it. After the tiger killed somebody in your defence, you were the one to explain it to Faith. She didn't get scared of the tiger, she was confident that it would never harm her or you, but she was upset. She was worried that you wouldn't be able to keep it anymore. She knew that your beloved tiger would only ever hurt somebody if it was to keep either you or her safe. "Are we going to keep it? Please, can we keep it?" she asked, tearful already. She instantly smiled and brighten up when you assured her that the tiger wasn't going anywhere. You both began to take the tiger out with you more often, it was your protector, who you both loved very much.


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