They Find out That They Have a Child

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Request: The Seeds reaction after a social worker comes to one of the sermons and tells them that they have a young child (10 years old)

Joseph Seed-

Joseph wanted a child but when his wife became pregnant he felt as if he wasn't ready, so when she died he left. He deemed himself unfit to raise a child and therefore didn't take responsibility. So when a Social worker contacts him, informing him that he has a ten year old child he was sure that it must've been his daughter that he abandoned at the hospital, since he had never been with anyone after his wife died. This was a sign from God, Joseph was ready to raise a child and couldn't have been more thrilled about it. He invited the social worker to one of his sermons, and he could help but smile when he saw that the worker and brought her daughter with them. She was beautiful, she looked just like her mother but had Joseph's eyes. After the sermon he greeted the social worker and his daughter with a friendly smile. His daughter was quiet but friendly so once she became comfortable around Joseph, she would laugh and talk to him like she had known him her whole life. He knew that he loved her, this was his daughter and he would make sure that nothing bad happened to her. Eventually Joseph was able to have his daughter live with him and was legally her father and guardian. He loved his daughter and she loved her father and how friendly all the members of the church were to her.

Jacob Seed-

Jacob had never wanted a child, he never saw himself as the family type or the type of man who would make a good father. Maybe he could be a good provider and protector but a father? No, that wasn't for him. When a social worker contacted him to tell him that he had a  child, Jacob ignored them. He assumed that this was some sort of scam and even if it wasn't, he didn't want to be a father. It was Joseph who had convinced Jacob to at least meant with the social worker, so he agreed to meet them after one of Joseph's sermons. He never expected that the social worker would actually bring his child with them. Beside the social worker stood a ten year old girl with ginger hair and blue eyes. Jacob approached the social worker and the child, slightly impressed when the young girl didn't even look scared, she actually stepped forward and crossed her arms. After having a conversation about Jacob's daughter and what had happened to the mother, and of course Jacob getting to know his daughter, Jacob had to make a decision. He learnt that his daughter was just as strong and tough as him, she was sarcastic and judgemental but she seemed to actually like Jacob. The girl was the definition of "sassy" and she was a little bit cold towards the social worker, but she seemed to warm up to Jacob pretty quickly. The thing that really got his attention was how the child played with the judges. He actually surprised his siblings by taking full responsibility for his child, becoming her legal father and guardian. Everybody knew that Jacob would make a fantastic father, he wouldn't let anything happen to them when they were children so he wouldn't let anything happen to his daughter.

John Seed-

John had never really wanted a family or children, or to settle down in anyway. However due to his lifestyle as a lawyer before Joseph came along, it wouldn't be very surprising if John had a child somewhere in the world. When a social worker contacted him to tell him that he had a ten year old son, he didn't know how to react. He was torn between complete disaster and genuine interest. He didn't believe that he was capable of caring for a child, sometimes he could barely care for himself. So he agreed to meet with the social worker, but he didn't expect them to bring his son with them. A ten year old boy with dark hair and bright blue eyes, and the biggest smile. John was actually surprised by how much his son resembled him, he looked just like him when he was his age. After this and talking with them for some time, John was sure that he wanted to have a relationship with his son, he wanted to be his father. So he did everything that was necessary to become the child's legal father and guardian. He would spoil his son to no end, nothing was too good or too expensive for the young boy. John wanted to give him the childhood that he never had, he wanted his son to be loved and happy. Even though John believed that he would be useless at raising a child, he actually surprised himself and his siblings by being an amazing father.

Faith Seed-

Faith never truly forgot about her past, including the child she had, the same child that was taken from her. She had her son when she was very young, unable to raise the child in her situation. Even if she could, the baby was taken from her by her parents, she can barely even remember what her son looked like anymore. She never expected to see him again and then she joined the Seeds, she thought she was starting a new life. Then a social worker shows up at one of Joseph's sermons with a ten year old boy by their side. They both approached Faith after the sermon and the social worker introduced themselves before explaining that this was Faith's son. Faith was nearly in tears, she never thought that she would see her child ever again and she knew that she wasn't going to loose him. She did everything that she could to get her son back, with the support of her new brothers of course. Soon enough she had her son back, a shy but happy little boy who loved his mother very much despite having only really known her for a short period of time. The young boy now had a loving mother and Faith had her son back, this was a new life and everything was falling into place.


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